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  1. S

    Omigosh do I have a funny story for you...

    Having just had a shower, I'm sitting at the computer, looking for info on a bead trade show coming to town this weekend. Atticus is pouting because I locked him out of the bathroom while I showered, and when I opened the door, the water was gone. The kids are in Florida with my dad, hubby is...
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    Atticus won't let me touch his feet!

    Help! Atticus won't let me trim his feet. He always let me do it before, but now he won't and his feet are starting to look like a fur explosion. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks!
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    Help! Scout(non newf) tried to kill neighbor dog!

    Oh my goodness. Scout got out of the yard while I was vacuuming. The neighbor was walking her three Afghan hounds and Scout attacked the youngest one. She was really trying to hurt her! Scout is a small,spayed 40 lb husky, and this Afghan, though light, towers over her. Scout got hold of the...
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    Happy Birthday Atticus!

    Atticus is 1 on Friday! Happy Birthday my big mushy slobbery goofball who still cuddles like he weighs 8 lbs.
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    "puppy" weigh in/Atticus got "fixed"

    Okay, I have missed the last few puppy weigh ins, largely because the vet lives across town and I hate driving all the way there just to weigh Atticus, who does nothing but race around the lobby and make fools of us both. Today, he was neutered, and is sprawled in the dining room on some really...
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    grumble grumble...dang newfs and the snow

    Just kidding. I'm really enjoying watching Atticus act like a lunatic in the snow. However, last night could have gone better if Atticus hadn't spent two hours laying in the snow and refusing to come in. I finally had to put my boots on (I really just wanted to go to bed) and tromp out into...
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    Another snowy adventure

    Last night, Atticus was makng us all bonkers with his frisky, I'm-so-excited-about-the-snow hyperactivity that I decided to take him for a short jaunt around the block. I put him on a 50 ft. lead so he could romp and wrapped my end of the lead around my wrist a couple of times. He was doing...
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    the winter crazies

    My goodness! It started snowing this morning, and Atticus has been acting like a wild man. He's been outside ALL morning rampaging around by himself, running laps around the sandbox, doing happy jumps. Scout the husky lasted about half an hour before she decided she'd rather be inside by the...
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    someone hide the checkbook... bargain hunting soul is fighting with my sensible self. There's an ad in the paper for AKC registered newf pups at $650. DON'T WORRY. I will not be calling this number. 1. My husband would kill me. 2. Bad bad bad really bad idea 3. I have no business dealing with any more poop...
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    finally, Atticus, then....and now.

    Atticus was adorable at 9 weeks. and here's the tiny bear rug I got for the living room
  11. S

    what's the difference?

    okay, I did a search in the archives, but it wasn't discussed, at least in the General Forum. DON'T YOU ALL GO GETTIN' YER DANDER UP! I'm honestly a little confused here and not trying to stir up any pots (Lord knows I do enough of that in my non-cyberlife) The topic is: What's the difference...
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    question about new adult hair

    Okay, Atticus has almost grown completely out of his puppy fur. His adult fur is coming in shiny, wavy, and black, but kind of short...more like a setter's. In fact, he just looks like a heavyset English setter right now (with an enormous head). He doesn't have much of a "mane". I had...
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    is 7 mo too young....

    for a prong collar? I have one for Atticus, but I have avoided using it because of his age. I have been using a nylon limited choke, but it's so big it doesn't even really pinch much. He's starting to test just how hard he can pull, and I'd like to keep enjoying my walks with them. Can I use...
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    lordy, he's done it again....

    Atticus has developed a taste for tomatos. He's been rampaging around in my veggie garden (you should see it. It looks like he rolled in it. smashed flat), and I caught him red handed with a smashed green tomato hidden in his mouth. I see that tomato plants made the poisonous plants list...
  15. S

    Is this right? non newf question

    One of my students is leaving for college on Friday. Her mother asked her to find another home for her Rott, Biscuit. Mom works full time and didn't think it would be fair to leave Biscuit at home alone for many long hours. Nice dog, though Rotts haven't been my favorite (a story for another...
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    well, the chicken bone passed, but...

    ARGH Atticus has gotten into something else. He spent the night at the emergency vet clinic (luckily, we live just a highway exit away from Michigan State University vet clinic)under close observation. Yesterday, he started vomiting EVERYWHERE. HUGE puddles. Then the diarrhea started...
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    he ate the whole thing! what do I do??

    At dinner this evening, oldest daughter accidentally dropped a drumstick on the floor. In a millisecond, Atticus swooped down on it and swallowed the WHOLE THING without chewing once! :eek: You should have seen us trying to pry his jaws open....I've had the same experience giving veggies...
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    dog beaches in Michigan?

    Hi folks! Does anyone know of any good places to take dogs in Michigan? I did a web search and came up with only a couple of places. It seems that Michigan isn't all that dog friendly when it comes to beaches...a shame considering we are surrounded by water! Now that Atticus is bigger and...
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    Atticus update

    Atticus had checkup on Wednesday. Good news! His heart murmer is barely detectable now. Of course, we'll be monitoring him closely still, but we're breathing a little easier here. Also, he's gained two more pounds. Isn't this a little fast even for a newf? 6 lbs in two weeks. The vet told...
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    breeder question

    First, let me say I KNOW it's a little late to be asking this since I already have purchased my gorgeous pup. I sent an email to my breeder asking if the sire and dam had been tested for cystinuria. This is one of those questions I should have asked, knew to ask, but neglected to ask. I...