Omigosh do I have a funny story for you...


New member
Having just had a shower, I'm sitting at the computer, looking for info on a bead trade show coming to town this weekend. Atticus is pouting because I locked him out of the bathroom while I showered, and when I opened the door, the water was gone. The kids are in Florida with my dad, hubby is up in his office in the attic, and the house is quiet. This is a lovely thing since it NEVER happens. With three kids and all the pets, it's ALWAYS rockin' here, but tonight, it is quiet.

Interrupting this glorious quiet, I hear a noise. It's not a noise I hear unless my children are here. It's the sound of water running in the tub. You see, we mostly take showers, and since this house is ancient, we have the old fashioned taps, the ones that are like levers, not knobs, and they run TONS of water, and make TONS of noise.

I'm thinking to myself, "Gee, hubby must be trying out something new...I'll just toddle myself up there and take a peek." SO I go upstairs, and just as I hit the turn in the stairs, Atticus' face appears at the bathroom door.

Yep. Atticus. Atticus soaked, water dripping from his ears, sloshy sounds coming from his feet with every step, snorting water from his nose like a whale coming up for air. Atticus with a huge grin on his face.

Then I see the water....all over the upstairs landing, oozing into daughter #2's room, on the walls, just everywhere. And the little blobs of fur...everywhere. I go into the bathroom, and everything including the light fixture on the ceiling is coated in a film of water, fur, and drool. The hot water tap is cranked all the way up and there's about 3 inches of water in the tub. The water all over the upstairs floor came from the PAR-TAY...that Atticus was in the middle of when I came up the stairs. I think he actually wallowed in the tub because the water has that slightly cloudy, hairy tinge to it.

Was he sorry? Not in the least. Atticus is prancing around the house like he won the World Cup. He is very, very proud, and secretly, I am too. See, I've never had a dog this smart. Bless them all, they were all so loving and sweet, but never THIS smart. The only thing that comes close is when Max was a pup and amused himself by uprooting large houseplants and racing around the house with them. Hubby wryly muttered, "Maybe we should have thought more carefully before getting a water dog" and laughed with me while we were swabbing the decks together and Atticus was sticking his nose in our faces and tracking more water over the newly dry floor.


[ 07-15-2006, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: scout ]


New member
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! U better hope he don't learn how to turn a knob and open a door.. there would be know way of keeping him out of the bathtub then LOL.. I can see u talking to your insurance company one day.. "yes my dog flooded the house" "no really he did!" :D

Sue M.

New member
OMG!!! What a sight that must have been!!!
My niece had taught her dog to fetch the broom, looks like you need to teach Atticus to swab the deck!!! :D


New member
Whoo! I think all newfs are distantly related to Albert Einstein. After all, they share a hairstyle!


New member
Good boy Atticus!
You just know he's going to do this every chance he gets, right?! I thought what Nasus thought -- what's their insurance company going to say about this when he floods the house? "Ummmm
my dog did it...." :D Too funny!


New member
How funny.
He was just taking a bath. Now if you could teach him how to dry himself you would have it made.


New member
That is soooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine just know how to open the doors, Yesterday mine were in the backyard, it was hot out, and they wanted to come in so they opened the door. I was in the bedroom, and they came in happily to see me. I thought they had been let in. We had central air. Anybody want to guess how long it takes to cool the outside with central air? I was wondering how come it ewas getting hot in the house. I put them out again and shut the door to see what would happen. They came back to the door, and the 7 month old, opened the door and in they came. Who said Einstein was smart. Miss smarty-pants wagged her tail, and came for a pet "See Dad how clever I am"? Needless to say a new door knob may be in their future. I think the tub epsiode is much better though (since it was not in my house) LOL


New member
Since I place puppies, I get stories all the time from owners. Several newfs I know can turn on faucets. Some friends of mine who have a huge motor home, and travel with two newfs, have a female That turned the water on in thier sink and drained their holding tank. Not only that, she sits in the drivers seat and blows the horn if they leave them. ( many people have taken pictures of this at dog shows. The other newf innocently sits beside her in the passenger seat. ) Needless to say they have learned they have to crate the dogs if they leave...Julie


New member
That is totally a riot. I believe Newfs are one of the smartest breeds. People just think thay are dopey cause of their laid back goofy style. Murphy basically pees on command and we try to get him to go before leaving him alone for any length of time. If he is anxious to get in the house and not be left behind, he will actually squat and fake peeing. Then he runs up all pleased with himself as if he has fooled us. It is totally too funny. Jennifer


Inactive Member
This morning we had a parade in town. Its a fun parade for a softball tournament thats going on this weekend. The theme is Pink. (the tournament is the Pink Flamingo). So, we got some washable soap paint sticks and painted Wrigley pink for the parade. He loves parades and the attention he gets. We always have his bucket of water on the float, and he loves to be sprayed by the hoses. This is a goofy parade - the people watching often spray the participants with hoses...Right up Wrigleys alley! Now I'm wondering...what will he think of as payback for us painting him pink? ;)

luvxl k 9

New member
I love all these stories, too funny! I think I can hear the wheels spinning in Wrigleys head all the way down here in Illinois. Hoses may be right up his alley, but paybacks ......are on the female side of his alley!


New member
Great stories. The thing that I think makes Newfs so special is not that they are smart, but they have such a wonderful sense of humor.

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