he ate the whole thing! what do I do??


New member
At dinner this evening, oldest daughter accidentally dropped a drumstick on the floor. In a millisecond, Atticus swooped down on it and swallowed the WHOLE THING without chewing once! :eek: You should have seen us trying to pry his jaws open....I've had the same experience giving veggies to my 3 yr old son, except the son did it to keep the food OUT.

Should I be worried? He seems fine right now, a few hours later. I've been watching him like a hawk, and he seems none the worse for wear, but I'm a little worried about when it reaches the other end....help...


New member
We feed ours raw chicken legs, but cooked bones can be brittle. It may be a plus that he never chewed it (no sharp edges). His stomach acids will probably take care of it, but you might want to give your vet a call as a "heads up" to possible trouble ahead.

Since he's so quick to scarf down things he shouldn't, you might consider putting him in his crate at meal time.

[ 07-17-2005, 05:36 AM: Message edited by: New2Newfs ]


Super Moderator
One time my newf ate a chicken leg. My vet told me to feed her bread soaked with milk. It will make the stool soft allowing the bones to pass easier. It worked as Sam had not problems


New member
As was mentioned, it's important to keep an eye on them for vomitting and/or diarhea. These symptoms of an obstruction may not show up for a day or two...good luck and hope the puppers either passes or digests everything.


Inactive Member
I agree with Jeannie. Give some bread soaked in Milk for several days. Keep a close eye on the stools for the next week. If he goes even one day without a stool and he has been eating okay, have the vet check him out.

He should be fine though, but never safe than sorry when it comes to this.


New member
When Stoli was at the height of his terrible twos, he took a whole bunch (2 breasts, 2 thigh/leg and 2 wings) of chicken off the stove. I had set it there to rest and left hubby in charge. Wolf wolf and it was gone. Vet said just watch him and he was fine. Silly doggies.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
I was trying and trying to think of the bread and milk remedy when I first saw Scout's post and couldn't remember it to save my life!!! Anyway, it sounds like a good plan! Keep us posted on how he does and know that I'm sending good thoughts and prayers!