Recent content by TinaM

  1. T

    How long after breeding two dogs

    So how long after breeding two dogs together do you know if they are pregnant? I am supposed to check back with the breeder -- but I do not want to bug her if it is too early. Thanks.
  2. T

    Abused GSD

    This is the group I have volunteered with for the past 15 years. They are an amazing organization. We recently got in an extremely abused and starved 3 year old GSD that weighed 37 pounds. They found the scumbag that did this and it turns out she was a vet tech at the place I...
  3. T

    Wanted - Golden retriever Puppy

    Our foster dog Lenny is getting adopted on Monday and I have decided it is time to add to our family. The Baby will be one in a few weeks and I know the sadness of Murphy's passing will start all over again once Lenny is gone. I think with Summer coming it is the perfect time to add a puppy...
  4. T

    Is it time for a new puppy - long?

    So it has been almost 8 months since we lost Murphy. My six year old daughter sleeps with his ashes in her room. She says prayers for Murphy each morning at school when she goes to chapel and she prayers for him as night as well. She NEVER forgets. For Christmas all she asked for was a...
  5. T

    OC Housewives

    Okay, have any of you heard of this show? It is basically a TV trainwreck that I cannot look away from. I'm actually embarassed to say I personally know one of them -- but I digress. My neighbor was a finalist as the new cast member in April of this year. They had gotten a pug puppy for...
  6. T

    My Sweet Murphy

    As some of you know we had been struggling with the decision on whether to continue a surgical route for Murphy or let him go. It looks like fate intervened and made the decision for us. After receiving a PM from someone here I had decided to have Murphy fitted for some orthopedic braces and...
  7. T

    Big Decisions -- Long Story

    As most of you know our Murphy has had 6 surgeries for two torn ACL injuries. Most recently we sent him away for rehab for almost 8 weeks at a top notch facility hoping that he would regain his ability to straighten out his back and be able to walk normally again. When he first came home he...
  8. T

    Introducing Cooper James

    Hi Everyone, The inevitible happened and Cooper James finally arrived last Monday. I'm terrible with posting pictures -- hopefully this link will work. Please don't be shocked by all the hair -- I'm 100% Italian and my boys always take after my side of the family. Murphy came home from rehab...
  9. T

    Home Remedies Needed

    Okay, as of yesterday I'm 4 1/2 centimeters dilated and I'm almost 100% effaced with a bulging bag of water. I'm desperate. I walked the mall all day and all it did was give me back labor. I just sent my husband to the store for castor oil -- does that really work? Does anyone have any other...
  10. T

    Freaking out over Swine Flu

    Anyone freaking out over the swine flu? I'm dilated to 3 and 90% effaced. The thought of bringing home an infant in the next week with young kids in Preschool and 1st grade is freaking me out. I have already pulled my daughter out of preschool -- don't really think the last few weeks of...
  11. T

    Supplements for ACL injury -- question

    I had a conversation with a great breeder that recommended the following supplements for Murphy. Solomon's Seal and Myristin. Anybody heard of it and know of where I can order it? I found a website that sells the myrsitin for either people, canines or horses. I can't find anyone that sells...
  12. T

    Murphy at Rehab

    Well Murphy is now 3 weeks post op on his left leg and is staying at his rehab facility. He is getting rehab 6 times per week and started water therapy this week. He is not progressing as fast as they had hoped because a seroma prevented him from the water treadmill earlier. If you want you...
  13. T

    More Murphy Stuff

    First of all I want to say thank you to everyone for the PM's and the nice messages and good thoughts. They really do help me think clearer. So we finally got a hold of someone at UC Davis' affiliate at UCSD and the earliest they can see us for a consultation would be July. We don't have...
  14. T

    Hard Decisions -- Need Help!

    Okay, my husband took Murphy down to San Diego today to the original OS. She has had time to review the x-rays and the prognosis from the Rehab place that basically told us to just put him to sleep. We still have an appointment to send him up to LA next Thursday to the rehab place that would...
  15. T

    Stem Cells and Murphy

    So I'm sure some of you have read about Murphy's current condition in our Murphy Prognosis thread. We sent the new x-rays to the original surgeon and she called my husband "with all new kinds of ideas". She really wants us to drive Murphy to San Diego for some stem cell therapy and to "discuss...