My Sweet Murphy


New member
As some of you know we had been struggling with the decision on whether to continue a surgical route for Murphy or let him go. It looks like fate intervened and made the decision for us. After receiving a PM from someone here I had decided to have Murphy fitted for some orthopedic braces and some more rehab to help him learn to use them as well. He was at the vet getting fitted for the braces and a few weeks of rehab when they called to say he had suffered a laceration that required sutures done under a general. I had given permission to have the laceration repaired when they called again. Apparently it was not a laceration and was in fact a spider bite. Either a black widow or brown recluse. It had abscessed and the abscess burst. There was significant necrotic tissue which would require removing dead tissue and muscle mass. This was the leg that had been operated on 8 weeks ago. The vet felt that this was the time to let Murphy go as he would not recover with any significant quality of life. He was already under so we made the decision not to wake him up. I can't strop crying, I feel so guilty and sad that I was not there to hold him while he crossed over the bridge. Needless to say we are heartbroken and I am not sure how to tell my kids. They still think he is at rehab so I will try and wait to tell them until I think I can get myself under control a bit better. Thank you to everyone that gave us such great advice over the past year. Murphy was such a sweet boy and will be greatly missed.


Super Moderator
I am so sorry that it all ended like this, but he is painfree frolicing with all the others who have gone before him.


New member
I'm so sorry for your loss of Murphy. Being the great mommy you are, you did everything you could to try and help him. He knew that and loved you for it.
Rest In Peace Sweet Murphy....


New member
At least the poor boy went while already asleep. I understand your feelings about not being with him. That happened to me when my Bailey left for the Bridge. You can still converse with him. He'll hear.

Rest well sweet Murphy.


New member
I am so sorry to hear this. I am sure he already knew how much he was loved. Always near to you within your heart.


Active member
Oh Tina, how your heart must be breaking. I am so sorry that you had to let him go. Perhaps this was some divine intervention that took the decision out of your hands. He is and always will be there for you. Everytime you look at his pictures, everytime he crosses your mind. Everytime a small floofy dustbunny rolls across the floor. No one could have done more for their animal. You are an amazing woman of great strength. Hold tight to that, along with your memories of Murphy. How blessed you are to have had him. He will help you tell the kids when the time is right.

R Taft

Active member
Tina I am so sorry for has been so difficult. You just have to think of him running free with all his new Rainbow Angel friends..........Godspeed Murphy


New member
Hugs to you and your family - I know how difficult this must be for all of you.

Godspeed Murphy.


New member
:grouphug: Tina.. Sometimes ther are just no words adequate. I can only add that I am very sad for the loss of your sweet Murphy.


New member
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy Murphy.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rest Well Sweet Murphy.