Home Remedies Needed


New member
Okay, as of yesterday I'm 4 1/2 centimeters dilated and I'm almost 100% effaced with a bulging bag of water. I'm desperate. I walked the mall all day and all it did was give me back labor. I just sent my husband to the store for castor oil -- does that really work? Does anyone have any other home remedies that will help induce labor? Oh and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not suggest having sex -- seriously that is what got me into this mess!! The sooner this baby comes out the sooner my Murphy can come home from Rehab!!


New member
Men don't really need to read this.

I'd just go sit in the waiting room of the hospital and refuse to budge. Tell them your having incredible back labor and feel an uncontrollable urge to push.

Or just get hysterical. With any luck, they'll get stuff started for you just to keep you quiet. :cussing2:

Good luck. :grouphug:


New member
Are you at/near your due date? If so I agree with the above post. Just go in. Tell them you're miserable with back labor pains and want to be induced..........


New member
Tina.. TMI girl.... you are going to freak out our male NN'ers...:tequila:
Jen, you know you're my girl but STOP being such a stick in the mud. It says "not for the faint of heart" at the entrance, if the "men" decide to come into the Open Discussion forum then they deserve whatever freak out they get!

Tina you go right ahead and say whatever you need to! Wish I had some advice for you...



New member
We had a mid-wife for the birth of our two daughters~I was right there helping best I could. This doesn't freak men out- well it probably does for some. Wish I could offer some helpful advice.
Soon you'll have your Beautiful baby in your arms !!!! :)


New member
Tina.. TMI girl.... you are going to freak out our male NN'ers...:tequila:
Isn't it common knowledge among men that all women are clinically insane while pregnant? For those men who are unaware they should just think of this post as a public service annoucement!


New member
Tina.. TMI girl.... you are going to freak out our male NN'ers...:tequila:
Being a man :whistling: ..... and father of 4 kids that I saw born, 2 at home......and well, me :) nothing freaks me out! Sex can work but some men aren't interested at this point. I have heard washing walls works - lots of bending - over seems to work too.

(Warning Jen - might want to skip a couple lines!) :LMAO:

But I think the thing that will get you into labor is a good O. Even if you have to be a do it yourselfer! :whistling: It will shake things up.

Henrys Mom

New member
I'm surprised they didn't induce you. When I was just like you they put me in the hospital and induced me. Of course this was 19 years ago so maybe things are different now!

Sounds like it won't be long! Can't wait for the good news!

Sandra McGinty

New member
sorry, I had a scheduled c-section with Emma, but IndysDad did have a good suggestion - I've read that it should work. :)

Castor oil will clean you out - but not in the way you're hoping for. and it could also make the baby have a bowl movement before he/she is born --that would be a BIG NO NO!!

I know you said " don't say have sex", but really all you need is the semen, that's what will trigger the contractions...

Nipple stimulation releases oxytocin, which can trigger contractions too, but some doctors believe it can make for longer and stronger contractions, and slow the babies heart. so they recommend that you be monitored if you go that route... beside, unless you are REALLY bored, it could take HOURS of stimulation to have an effect.

Stress will only delay everything -- baby will be here when the time is right, unfortunately, for now, you are stuck walking around with a water ballon between your legs. try to get comfy and relax the best you can. easier said than done, I know. :)

is this your first? oooooh, I'm so excited for you!! sending you hugs and prayers -- sandy
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New member
Tina.. TMI girl.... you are going to freak out our male NN'ers...:tequila:



New member
OK...blow up balloons. Our third child was due two weeks after his sister's 2nd birthday. The day before her birthday, I blew up 30 or so balloons to hang from ribbons in her room, so that she could wake up to them the next morning and know it was her special day. After blowing them up, I laid down to take a nap, and woke up with contractions. Ended up having the baby ON her birthday.


New member
Jen, you know you're my girl but STOP being such a stick in the mud. It says "not for the faint of heart" at the entrance, if the "men" decide to come into the Open Discussion forum then they deserve whatever freak out they get!

Tina you go right ahead and say whatever you need to! Wish I had some advice for you...




New member
Hey there..perhaps just waiting for nature to take its course..and reading this NN line of mothers-lil-helps..will induce ..Giggles..at a smart enough pace..contractions Will start! Sending strength and good energy for a healthy birthing. hugs, ina n HB n Kesa

Brinks' Mom

New member
Okay, as of yesterday I'm 4 1/2 centimeters dilated and I'm almost 100% effaced with a bulging bag of water.
I'm guessing that when that little angel is ready to see the world its gonna happen alot faster than you think!!! Maybe your "back labor" is the worst you'll feel??

You're almost half way there girlfriend......:hugs:


New member
Have they stripped your membranes?

I was induced on both of mine. The first I ended up with PIH. I could barely stand up. My blood pressue sky rocketed and I saw stars. Never passed out.. but was close to it a few times. The second I threw a disc out badly- L5/S1 . Unless the baby is in distress they made you wait until 1 week of your due date before induction. They said the closer they can make it to the due date.. the better for the baby.

Many have already made most of the suggestions. I think the Health food store (ours it the healty grocer) made suggestions of some natural stuff that brought on contractions and that would not affect the baby.