Very Sad News about Chelsea


New member
What a heartbreaking end to this story. I hope you take solace knowing that Chelsea spent her last days surrounded by the people that loved her and brought her the most joy and comfort. I'm so sory for your loss.


New member
So sad. I am crying too. Chelsea looked like a beautiful old soul. I am sure she was a tremendous loss to you, Pennie. And thank goodness you had the time together at the end.



New member
Hi everyone
These posts of condolences and prayers and thoughts are so kind and thank you so much. The hole in my heart is overwhelming. Our lives were touched by so many in the last two weeks that I wish that I could meet and hug each and everyone of you and those beautiful loves of all of yours. I love the thought about the "Chelsea Award" what a beautiful legacy. If it had not been for those two wonderful men, my Chelsea would have died up there alone covered in mud. Through them she was comforted by us and she new she was loved and not abandoned. When I got up Sunday morning to answer her howls, she wagged her tail. I would just love her and kiss her. I have to go. :( Love Pennie


New member
The sadness over the loss of your precious and courageous girl will long resonate within the NN family of which I hope you will remain a part of.... I hope your grief will become less painful and that time will help heal your broken heart....


New member
I wanted to send my prayers and thoughts to you sooner, but every time I tried to I couldn't type thru my tears. She fought so hard to live that I thought for sure she would make it. I just keep telling myself that she was needed more above and that some of them are so special they are only here for a short time. Most of us know the pain you are going thru. I lost my Chelsea too, at 5 1/2. Our girls looked alot alike. That whole in your heart is always there, but in time it does get better. The happy memories come to the surface more and more and you find yourself smiling about them. I miss her more than words can say, and sometimes I swear she comes to visit. I sure hope so.

Take care of yourself and your other fur kids. I'm sure they are missing her too. Sending newfy hugs,


New member
:cry:I'm somewhat devistated, I was really hoping for a recovery. This is shocking news. I'm truly sad today!:cry:


New member
I am just now catching up with this..... I am sooooo sad....:cry:I was so hoping for a full recovery. I am glad the she was people who she knew and loved and not all alone in the mud. Pennie, our thoughts and prayers are with you......


New member
I was so elated when I saw the pics of Chelsea and that she was still alive after all she went thru. I am so sorry it ended like it did. I hope Pennie continues to monitor this wonderful forum as Newf lovers are just like those loveable Newfs and she will find an outpour of love here for her and Ms Chelsea.



New member
Oh,no.....I'm only grateful she did not die alone, but with her beloved Pennie with her. This is such a sad day. I'm so sorry, Pennie


New member
I too, have been following Chelsea's saga and hoping that all would be well...
Everyone else has expressed my sentiments so eloquently that all I can say is that we here on NN are here for you. God speed, sweet Chelsea.


New member
I wanted to send my prayers and thoughts to you sooner, but every time I tried to I couldn't type thru my tears.
So true. When I read this yesterday, my heart broke in a million pieces. Pennie, all I can say is that our hearts, thoughts, prayers and tons of love are with you as you go through this horrible time.


New member
I went from stunned, to angry, to confused in less then a few seconds when I read the title of this thread. I just assumed everything was going to work out ok :(

This might not be the right place to post this, but are there any udpated on exactly what happened, or went wrong? She seemed to be doing so much better? I cant find any updates in the general forum.


New member
I just found the threads about Chelsea and I wanted to express the deepest condolences on behalf of mr. and mrs. Djabilly and Grayce as well.

Doc Holliday

New member
My deepest heartfelt sympathy goes out to all who have loved Chelsea. She touched many lives on this earth. I had followed her rescue story, and was hoping and praying she would pull through.

I'm so sorry for your loss.


New member
How very sad. I was hoping she was doing better. Pennie, I am sorry for your loss. You did your best for Chelsea. Hugs to you.

Megan & Scout