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  1. Brody the Newf

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hell

    Hey all, we are in ear infection hell for several months now. Brody is on his 4th round of oral antibiotics, his 5th round of liquid antibiotics and we have now entered the $700 zone for treating his right ear. I'm frustrated and poor. When not going to the vet, I've tried treating this on my...
  2. Brody the Newf

    Ear cleaning-how often?

    I usually clean Brody's ears when he gets a bath. Sometimes when I'm brushing him I lift up his ears and look to see if they look dirty. My method missed an awful, odorless ear infection. By the time Brody started acting like something was wrong, his ear was filled with black pussy slime...
  3. Brody the Newf

    Urinating on Prednisone

    Brody is on Prednisone for an awful ear infection. On the pill bottle it clearly states that he'd have increased thirst and urination BUT he's outside forever peeing and I'm not sure he's producing anything. He also has to go every one to two hours. Today I brought him to the gym like I...
  4. Brody the Newf

    Odd Behavior

    Brody always liked his butt being scratched. Now when you scratch it, he starts licking the air and turning his body inward. Then he starts licking his tail. He doesn't look like he's in pain but it does look like something is wrong. Thoughts?
  5. Brody the Newf

    Special password needed?

    I contacted my local Newf branch asking for an application to start fostering Newfs. They were supposed to email me another form to fill out and I haven't heard back from them. It has been over a week. Is this unusual?
  6. Brody the Newf

    Just amazing

    I brought Brody for his yearly appointment today and I was initially worried about bringing him inside. There were cats and dogs all over the place. I wasn't in the mood to have my shoulder dislocated by my crazed dog but the sun was hot and I didn't want Brody out in it. I sighed and figured...
  7. Brody the Newf

    Weak Back Legs

    All the years of leaping off the deck like Super Dog seem to be catching up with Brody. His back legs are looking weak lately. I like to go to the vet with some idea of what could be wrong with Brody before they start just doing random tests. Thanks.
  8. Brody the Newf

    Exercise and feeding question.

    Due to a change in my work schedule, I get home right around the time Brody is due to eat dinner. I'd like to walk him when I get home and feed him dinner after our walk. Is it safe to feed him after walking? Or do I need to wait until he's cooled down?
  9. Brody the Newf

    Getting old? Sick? Hot?

    Hi all:) Brody will be FIVE next week. Can you believe I haven't killed him yet? (I kid). Anyway the pooch has me worried. He wants to be outside nearly all the time and he's sleeping a lot more. I'm really not sure how five year old Newfs behave.
  10. Brody the Newf

    Smelly Dog

    With frequent brushing Brody usually does fine without having a bath in the winter. This year for some reason is different, his coat is wicked oily and he smells like a dog. We found out that Petco has a room for people to groom their own dogs. Amazing idea right? The only thing is Brody has...
  11. Brody the Newf

    Any experience with one of these?

    Brody's beloved water source aka garden hose is now stored for the winter. Brody is now on a drinking strike and won't touch his water bowl. I'm thinking of buying him one of these but I don't know if his slobber will break it?
  12. Brody the Newf

    What on Earth happened?

    I take a NN break and I find out that Nana, Bojie, Pooka and Nanook have been sick? I'm sure I'm missing Newfs/humans. Sending all of my good thoughts!
  13. Brody the Newf

    Picture Heavy-Brody!

    One of the things I love about him is his thousand different facial expressions.
  14. Brody the Newf

    ARRRGHH- Hot Spot

    We noticed a hot spot on Brody's shoulder Friday night. I've been using antiseptic spray and Goldbond powder. It will look like it's getting better but then Brody will violently start scratching at it. He is in pain and I feel awful. Is there anything else I could be doing because right now...
  15. Brody the Newf

    Psycho Dog from Hell is 4 today!

    He's still driving me crazy and making me laugh. None of us are feeling well (including Brody) so I owe him an ice cream cone. I took these pictures last Sunday: This one is my favorite for some reason. His big head melts my heart:
  16. Brody the Newf


    Brody has a spot that he needs to stay in while we eat dinner. He knows his spot but will only go to it with help. Usually it is the battle of wills as I drag his 150 pound behind to his spot and make him sit while he struggles to remain standing. Any way last night I put him in his spot...
  17. Brody the Newf

    Just Chill

    Figured I'd post an update on my bratty dog:) Brody is still a PITA but I'm finding different ways to work with him. He lives to ride in the car so when he starts bugging me before his scheduled car ride, I put him in the car and have him wait. Guess what I found out? This is what he wanted...
  18. Brody the Newf

    Kitchen Sink backed up?

    Two bottles of Draino used without success. One of those snake- thingy- whatever- it- is -called pulled out....................................................................................... A ball of twisted Newf fur!
  19. Brody the Newf

    Landseer pup at a CT pet store

    Curt and Nick went to the mall yesterday and saw a Newfie pup for sale. I'm debating whether or not to take a ride over there to see it. I guess he looks a lot like Brody...