Maple the ATM


New member
Maple, our almost ten year old rescue Newf< is a paper, cardboard, mud, and stick eater. She has also been known to destroy my jacket pockets in search of sugarfree gum (luckily she's a lardbutt so she's had no ill effects), carmex, and, well, my wallet. I came downstairs saturday morning to find my wallet open on the floor. Knowing there HAD been money in there I sighed knowing what was coming. She did this once when we first got her... I *think* it was $7 but didn't check. This time I was pretty sure I had about $100 as it was the weekend. My husband wonders aloud whether me or Maple will learn their lesson first. His guess is it'll be Maple.

I was walking both pooches sunday and she pooped. It was quite easy to see she had some twenties in there. Since I *always* pick up after them I did and walked them home (happy that she didn't attack the loose Jack Russell that came up to us... I tied my dogs to a stopsign and brought the munchkin escape artist to her house). Needless to say I was able to reclaim $46 after going through the pile with gloves on.

We've also had problems with one of them having accidents in the house this week. I figured it was Maple, but the proof was in the, er, pudding today as i found another $21 waiting for me in this morning's pile. Sigh.


New member
my goodness was it still good???LOL! this is a prime example what food service people should wear gloves and not use them to give change!!!LOL!


New member
When we were kids (four boys) we used to fight over who got to check the coin return on the pay phone; little did we know we should have been fighting over the piles of poop!


New member
She just wanted to help you save for a rainy day! If it wasn't in your wallet, you couldn't spend it! Too funny!


New member
I wonder who you want to give this too LOL. I have a list if you would like to mail to them :D SS you had to "recover" the cash in this manner

Jeff in Ottawa

New member
Apparently Maple charged you some serious interest for "holding" your money for you! A 67% return for a couple days is pretty steep! I can only imagine if you borrowed money from her! I think within a day and a half she'd be threatening to break your legs! ;)


New member
Oh my goodness Michelle! You had me sharing this story to anyone willing to listen!
I laughed so hard I needed a tissue..(sorry but it is hilarious!)
Bless Maple's big ole heart!!


New member
Happened to us once too. I made my husband "reclaim" it. Very funny when it happens to someone else, though! :neener: