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  • Have a lovely birthday..then get back to all those ..creative ideas..that enrich, possibly panic..the rest of the world.. ;) ina
    Well hi there, Tricia. Nice to greet ya!! Welcome to the gang. If you're near Worcester you'll definitely have to come to the water tests in Auburn in August. Check the website for Newfoundland Club of New England for dates. I think there's a fun day in June too, at the Westford 4H grounds. Keep in touch! Anne
    Hello Tricia,
    Nice to hear from you! Feel free to write me anytime, I just L.O.V.E talking about Newfies. And You, My dear, need to show off your babies on NN so we can all go Awwwww. Pictures Please......I'm not afraid to beg. :whistling:
    Hope you are having a good day,
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