Hope's weight!


New member
I took Hope for her weekly weigh-in.
1st day I got her, 50 pounds(after mats removed)
7 day's later she weighed 53.5
2nd week- she weighs 58.2.
She is gaining nicely. With the puppy food and satin balls she is doing great! She eats 4x aday. Plus I have her on missing link veterinary formula. She is getting fuzzy with her fur growing slowly back in. Her dry skin is starting to go away.
She is doing just great and her tail never stops wagging. She is just a happy, happy girl!!!!!


New member
Can you imagine how she feels to not be hungry anymore? She must be a very happy girl. She will be looking awesome in no time, I can't wait for the day you show us those pictures. Thanks for the update.


New member
I, too, was thinking how she is feeling having enough food now. Just the basics is all she has ever wanted. :cry:


New member
Sounds like she is thriving well! Thank you sooo much for doing such a spectacular job getting her healthy.
I personally can't wait to see her progress photos. It warms my heart each and every time I hear a success story.


New member
I cry everytime I see her pics but I have to see them to remind myself why I do what I do and so that I will keep doing it inspite of how often I feel physically and emotionally drained and the hopelessness I feel at being only one person and not being able to make a difference. Yet we can make a difference one animal at a time. You are doing an amazing job and you know the rewards are tenfold. The love they give back is second to none and all it takes is some love and a few good meals. It just breaks my heart at how little they need.



New member
I can't wait to see the pics tomorrow! I am so happy that Hope is doing well. Stories about neglected doggies just break my heart, and then when they find someone to love them, well, that just makes me cry too. But out of happiness. :heart: