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  • Sandra thank you so much for the lovely card in memory of Nana, she was a very special girl. I will treasure this card as I am very much into the Rainbow Bridge. We are trying to grieve silently as Emma is very upset about her best friend being gone. She has Bear but she does not really think of him as her best friend. Talk soon

    Sandra it is Jane hope you are good. I was at the COR function on Sunday and there were alot of people wanting to know about hotels for NewfStock, can you post if there are any rooms anywhere. I also need a room if there is any way you could find any I think alot more people will come. I was promoting the event there
    I live in mount pleasant sc, 1 1/2 hours from MB, sorry I missed the post, do you still need help?
    May the stars line up honor of your special day..and the fates be most gracious and you have added much to the world. ina
    Sandra, I was surfing around the internet last night and came across your website/blog. I'd been looking for links for the National Specialty is how it started. Anyhow, I had to stop and enjoy your wonderful photos when what should I see but a picture of my Gracie on the National 2008 page...with a drool going on....Sandra, she NEVER DROOLS....leave it to you to capture a classic picture of my girl! Like Henri Cartier truly captured the moment! Well done! LOL all the best, Anne (Angus McDubhs Mom)
    Ummmm, errrrr Sandra,

    I hate to be pushy but I am dying to see pics of the Normster, Ellster and the Floydster from their play date last Monday. Any chances for that pretty soon????

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