Dog Slobber Stopper Part Duex

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Active member
I sent an email as well. Does anyone have an email address for something like the AKC, or the NCA? Would such an organization getting behind it have an effect?


Active member
I sent an email as well. Does anyone have an email address for something like the AKC, or the NCA? Would such an organization getting behind it have an effect?
I doubt that the NCA will want to become embroiled in an online debate. Probably true for the AKC, too, but they should be made aware of this. Then they can decide if they wish to take any action.

However, I see nothing wrong with quoting portions of the NCA's statement from their Nov. approved board minutes with proper credit and permission. You could certainly paraphrase the statement with no problem. These minutes are available to the general public so you could simply suggest that readers go to the NCA website and read it themselves. On the Amazon comment page, you are prohibited from posting outside links unless you are uploading your own video or photos, but you could give detailed directions to the source.

If you are a member of a local regional breed club, training club or kennel club, I think this is a topic worth discussion, and perhaps your club will also post an online statement. Doesn't matter which breed of dog or which club or organization you belong to.
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New member
I put in my 2 cents on the Amazon reviews. That guy should be careful as many people will do anything to protect their babies and this breed. That thing is disgusting and makes me mad just seeing that poor baby. The look on his face will stay with me all day..


New member
You would think Amazon would at the very least have a rule against giving yourself a review. What about contacting the SPCA or They could help get the word out, because this is totally cruel and unreasonable. I'm sick. That poor dog looks miserable. I have to calm myself before I add a review or I'll come off as a raving lunatic myself. What about posting Unlikes on FB?or would that just give him more publicity. This is outrageous.


New member
You would think Amazon would at the very least have a rule against giving yourself a review.
Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on circumstances), Amazon has maintained that they will not police product reviews and will only pull them if they've been reported as having broken the rules regarding posts (profane language, etc.)


New member
Go read his blog. This may be a legit customer. However, she violated Amazon's guide to posting reviews, so I reported her comment as abuse of those rules. Here is their guide. See if you can figure out what she did wrong. Hint: Tips for writing a great review.
I think he made up everything on his blog, too. Just read the cr@p he wrote on there - Slobber stopper saved our Saint Bernard's life, Slobber stopper saved our marriage....I call bs of the worst and most egregious variety (and as a marketing writer I want to go slap him)!

On the blog it says she received it for free, so it's a violation that the person did not disclose this.'s all fiction, all of it, if it's not him it's his sister in law posting the text that he wrote...

Fortunately I don't think he has really sold any. I did try to make the constructive suggestion that he just make and sell cute bibs, then no one would have any problem with him. LOL.


New member
Purely a torturing device and I'm still pretty pissed at the sight of that poor baby wearing that thing. Mr inventor, please find another way to make money other than torturing dogs for a buck!


New member
There are some reviews missing from Amazon - was up to 55 the other day now there are only 50...wonder what happened?

The 4-star reviewer (who is actually the Slobber Stopper dude in drag) is resorting to insult, colorful description and even profanity in his comments thread (for which I reported feedback and encourage y'all to do the same). We've all been accused of all kinds of things, including .... gulp .... wearing mom jeans. I say, go get him, Ted! ;)


New member
He's been deleting comments on Facebook very quickly so it wouldn't surprise me if somehow he has managed to delete them from Amazon.
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