Dog Slobber Stopper Part Duex

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New member
Just FYI, I don't know if this was posted or not. At the November 2012 NCA Board Meeting they Rejected the Slobber Stopper for both Medical and Cleanliness reasons. So that makes it pretty official, It's been posted a couple of places on FB.


New member
Every time I see that sad looking newf with that ridiculous contraption on it's face, I get more and more irritated.

Do I enjoy chiseling the drool off my walls, windows and car seats? Or getting ready to go out and having to change because I now have a wet smear down my leg from the hugs and kisses I got? No, not really. The difference is, I knew what I was getting into and I embrace it because I love my Lucy and all the wetness she brings with her. I wouldn'd change anything. Towels work just fine and clothes can always be cleaned. Maybe I should go on amazon and sell my contraption I made for my car. Lucy loves to sit in the middle of the back seat and she always drips all over the center console. It's almost impossible to get it off so I cut up a bath mat the same color as the console and sewed two elastic bands onto the bottom of it. When we go for rides in my car, I slip it over the half of the console that opens and it's held in place when I close it. She can drip all she wants and I don't have to worry about cleaning up after. The bath mat has the rubber bottom so nothing seeps through and it can just be tossed in the washing machine. It works great! No need to try to change the way a dog is supposed to be just to make your life easier. I changed what I do to make my life a little easier without Lucy even knowing.


Active member
This was nice to see on Amazon:

"Your search "dog slobber stopper" did not match any products."



Active member
Good job to everyone who took action!

But he will be back. Keep watching. It might be months. I'm reasonably sure he is trying to get more testimonies and videos in his favor, just like he did this last time. Then he'll upload
a bunch to YouTube again and not allow comments. Do watch for him on Ebay, Etsy, and other places.

I sincerely hope Amazon was the one who took him down. If so, I don't think he can get another account with them. But if he took it down himself, then he can always open his store again.

I don't trust him at all. He could market it in a variety of other ways.
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Active member
Time for me to trot out one of my favorite maxims, at the possible expense of annoying all of you:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead


New member
I've already left my feelings! Hopefully this pig will eventually get the hint and take a hike.


Active member
This guy sure is weird. When he first popped up back in the fall his website was FULL of phony testimonials. Then he back tracked, deleted them all, and tried to play nice by offering to send out samples. He offered me one, but I don't have a PO box and was scared to give him my home address. Then he came back with the Amazon site and fake testimonials again. I'm scared to see what he does next. I highly doubt he's going down without a long, drawn out fight!


New member
I think the problem is that he THINKS he is actually in the right and doing nothing wrong.. He is one of those pet owners that JUST DON'T GET IT. I have always been of the mind that if you are not 100% committed to you animals.. then don't get one!

Great job everybody.. the other thing he does not get is he has no idea who he is messing with and we will not go away! :)
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