Search results

  1. lacey9875

    Car Suggestions....

    So the transmission went in my Explorer, and I borrowed my step-fathers Caddy until I get it fixed. Friday the brakes went out in it, and I had to have it towed to a mechanic. :cussing2: I really wanted my Explorer to hang in there until my daughter graduates college- she's a sophmore in...
  2. lacey9875

    Neighbor Removed My Fence

    :mad: To say I'm furious is an understatement. My back yard is pie shaped, the neighbor in the back on the left removed my fence, which was on my property, sawing off the 4x4's a little above ground level and installed a new fence on their property. They didn't run it to the back of my fence...
  3. lacey9875

    So. Embarrassed.

    So it's taken a very long time, but I've finally mustered the strength to throw out Maggie's Couch. The one she ate. It's horrible you guys-it's torn, and dirty and sitting at the curb, and the trash men HAVEN'T COME YET!! Where are they?? They are usually rumbling through the neighborhood...
  4. lacey9875

    Poor Boy in South Jersey... Would this be Colonial Rescue? Or do I have the name totally wrong??
  5. lacey9875

    Is Chronic Lyme different?

    So some of you know Maggie was diagnosed with Lyme the end of May. The vet doesn't want to treat her because she's not showing symptoms, and it's chronic not acute. She originally went in for a UTI, which now I'm thinking could be related, and yesterday she had the dire rear. I left a...
  6. lacey9875

    Maggie was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme

    I am so upset. The vet called yesterday afternoon and said she has a UTI and tested positive for Lyme, but the vet said "Chronic" because it's been in her system for a few weeks. She's on Cefepoboxine for the UTI and has to have another urine sample done after that to check the proteins in her...
  7. lacey9875

    If It's Not A UTI.....

    This morning Maggie woke me up, pacing and panting. She ran to the door, and while she was outside, she peed like 3-5 times. At least she squatted that often. I let her out again before I left, and just talked to my daughter who said she hasn't even acted like she needs to go out, and is...
  8. lacey9875

    Maggie and the Groundhog

    I have spent the better part of the day mad at this dog. We obviously need to go back to basics, because her recall sucks, and I don't even know where to start. This morning there was a groundhog in the backyard, and I didn't see him until it was to late. He started running, and off she...
  9. lacey9875

    Newfie Commerical!!

    Bank of America has a Newfie in one of their commercials!! Start to finish, it's all Newf-not just a quick shot. When I came into work today, someone had emailed it to me, and there was a crowd around my desk. :D It's really cute, they show the Newf digging a hole, and chewing a couch, and...
  10. lacey9875

    My Girl is Growing Up!

    Yesterday Maggie and I went for a walk-our first "big" walk in 19 months. (ankle surgery caused by someone digging holes :shuffle: ) Anyway, when we got to the park, it was crawling with little kids playing soccer. There was a tournament going on, and I honestly thought about going home...
  11. lacey9875

    Discounted Med's

    Does anyone remember the thread that someone posted the link to about certain discounted med's from Walgreens, I think? I remember searching it for my cat's medicine, and it was there, but now the link I'm using doesn't have it. So I'm assuming it's the wrong link. I have searched for days...
  12. lacey9875

    NN Celiac in Cats?

    I've been wondering this is what was causing my Mikey to lose weight and the enlarged liver/spleen. It's been over a month, he's still on his steriods and anti-biotic and has only put on a tiny bit of weight. There is no difference in his personality, if anything he's starting to do things he...
  13. lacey9875

    Newf in Need? A friend told me about this guy, and I thought I'd ask a few questions here. The only thing holding me back is that they said he doesn't do well with other dogs in the home. Well, that and the fact I have a sick kitty right now. Should I...
  14. lacey9875

    Proud Mama Brag!

    So it's been 17 months since I hurt my ankle, and 10 since my surgery. It's finally starting to not hurt as much, so we've started regular walkies again. This morning we walked and Maggie started pulling me-I've haven't been doing much because I figured it would be a struggle getting back...
  15. lacey9875

    NN Some Good Mojo could be used...

    For my cat, Mikey. A few weeks ago, he looked a little thin to me. We weighed him and he was down 3 lbs. By the time we got him to the vet about 5 days later, he was down to 10 lbs. I could, and still can, feel his little spine. The vet was sure it was his thyroid, but after an...
  16. lacey9875

    Ocean City Official Get Together

    Here is the list so far of everyone that's coming, we figured we'd start a new thread so the food list would be on the first page. DawnMerie=Baked Ziti & tortilla's and chips & cheese cake squares Dawn C. Jessica=Pulled Pork & something else??? Stacy=Sweet potato casserole and couscous...
  17. lacey9875

    Can I just say...

    That today is the first day my ankle hasn't completely hurt since my surgery!!!! I still feel a bit of pressure, but at least I'm (so far ) not flat on my back with it propped up. And my Maggie has been an angel! She never left the room, and kept me supplied with things to keep my busy like...
  18. lacey9875

    OMG There was a snake in my yard!

    Help. I am so freaked out, I want to move. We were moving some plants around and found a skin one had shed. Ok, so it really wasn't an actual one, but one had been here. NEXT to my house! I am terrified it someone got into the house. I won't be sleeping tonight. Does anyone know anyway...
  19. lacey9875

    Please cross your fingers for me!!

    I *hate* to ask for any help of any kind, but you guys can really make things happen. I go today to get the results of my mri's on my ankle that I sprained. In July. I've been upgraded from a ankle brace to a knee-height walking cast, so the swelling has gone down considerably, but it stil...
  20. lacey9875

    Different side of Maggie!

    So today Ashton's Dad had her for a bit, and when he brought her home, they were in the kitchen and she hugged him good-bye, and he tickled her. She started yelling and laughing, and they ended up kind of wrestling, but standing upright. Does that make sense? I guess they were trying to tickle...