Different side of Maggie!


New member
So today Ashton's Dad had her for a bit, and when he brought her home, they were in the kitchen and she hugged him good-bye, and he tickled her. She started yelling and laughing, and they ended up kind of wrestling, but standing upright. Does that make sense? I guess they were trying to tickle each other, and keep away at the same time.

Anyway, Maggie did not like it! She kept barking, and "talking", and Ashton yelled, "Oh Maggie help!" ( still laughing ) and Maggie grabbed his shorts and started pulling him away while making this loud growl noise!

He told Ashton it was enough, because Maggie was going to eat him. After that, she was fine with him, and he left soon after. :D I have never witnessed my big goofy girl act like that before! Is that normal protective dog behavior??

I just hope she does the same thing when she starts dating.


New member
I had a Golden who did that. Still don't know why! Wouldn't it be great if Maggie keeps this up for dating season....perfect!


New member
Yep, Charlie has all kinds of maneuvers to separate me and Troy when we are wrestling/teasing/tickling each other, he starts by barking/grumbling, then will try to wedge himself between us and back me away, then if that doesn't work he grabs onto Troy's arm, and pulls him away!


New member
Thunder seems OK with that sort of goofing around but we had an Aussie who would NOT permit it, under any circumstances.

Ocean's Edge

New member
Buddy's ok with goofing around, but he tends to think a little PDA in the kitchen is the people's playing bitey face... and depending on his mood he wants to join in, or we'll get scolded.


New member
Kayra was really like that. Any horseplay she was on it with barking of disapproval. Sadie will try to shove her way between the 2 people. She takes more of a passive approach rather than the barky venue. Solly.. he still runs and hides in the crate... ferocious guard dog that he is... LOL

Good girl for Ms. Maggie protecting her girl! :)


New member
My Shepherd and my Pyr will both get in between anything that looks "out of the ordinary". They are very protective of myself and the kids.


New member
Teddy didn't like any kind of rough play either, but he would just stand by and bark madly.


New member
Kayra was really like that. Any horseplay she was on it with barking of disapproval. Sadie will try to shove her way between the 2 people. She takes more of a passive approach rather than the barky venue. Solly.. he still runs and hides in the crate... ferocious guard dog that he is... LOL

Good girl for Ms. Maggie protecting her girl! :)

Lol, Michelle, maybe some of Maggie's obnoxiousness will rub off on Solly in OC!

She also is the cat police-no messing around of any kind is allowed or she noses them apart.


New member
Lol, Michelle, maybe some of Maggie's obnoxiousness will rub off on Solly in OC!

She also is the cat police-no messing around of any kind is allowed or she noses them apart.

LOL.. I am waiting to see how he does down there with all the newfs.

He is starting to get better with his confience levels. We went to Tractor Supply the other day. He was walking with a tail wag, and figured out .. if you go and nudge hands.. most people will pet him. He was quite proud of himself... ear perks and all. :)

It's pretty neat watching him start to come out of his shell. He and Sadie also lay on the floor touching each other a lot of the time now.


New member
Sirius gets upset and comes running if he hears any yelling or ruckus laughter, so I would not be surprised if he reacted the same way as Maggie if I was being tickled.

If I hug anyone Sirius will jump on us, but I still haven't figured out if he thinks I'm being attacked or if he's just jealous...I'm afraid to bring dates home and find out how he reacts.


New member
Rule has already been put in place here for Abby's future dates. Maggie must be in the back seat of the boys car! Its a win win. Mags will stop any funny business and bonus...shes so big that the entire back seat of any car will be FULL!
When hubby steals a smooch from me, Maggie will nudge her way between us and push us apart. Almost like she is telling us it would be so much more fun to play with her than all this kissy stuff. She is a hoot!

Ocean's Edge

New member
Rule has already been put in place here for Abby's future dates. Maggie must be in the back seat of the boys car! Its a win win. Mags will stop any funny business and bonus...shes so big that the entire back seat of any car will be FULL!
When hubby steals a smooch from me, Maggie will nudge her way between us and push us apart. Almost like she is telling us it would be so much more fun to play with her than all this kissy stuff. She is a hoot!
Another "I thought Buddy was just being an odd duck' behavior ... I keep finding out that all the goofy things he does, are just Buddy being a newf *grins* It's almost like "all your lovins belongs to us" *snicker* if we ignore him he'll give us a sharp bark. It's all really very cute and amusing ... but I'd kinda like to have MY snuggles back!


New member
Whenever any of my kids start roughhousing, pillow-fighting, squirt-gunning, Orion gets in the middle of it and tells them to knock it off. When the Hubber scolds one of the kids, Orion stands next to him and "scolds" along, then goes and stands next to the kid and "talks back". It's hilarious!