NN Some Good Mojo could be used...


New member
For my cat, Mikey.

A few weeks ago, he looked a little thin to me. We weighed him and he was down 3 lbs. By the time we got him to the vet about 5 days later, he was down to 10 lbs. I could, and still can, feel his little spine. The vet was sure it was his thyroid, but after an ultrasound and fine needle biopsy, it's either hepatitis or lymphoma. His liver and spleen looked mottled, and his spleen was extremely enlarged. I didn't want to put him through a full-on biopsy of both organs, if he doesn't have a lot of time left. Right now we're treating for the hepatitis and he goes back in two weeks to get his liver enzymes and weight checked.

Other than that, he acts totally normal. Still plays, runs around the house, and fights with Maggie. I'm so worried about my little guy, I can't imagine not having his diva-like behavior around. He's the reason I've sworn I'll never have another male cat, but I love him with all my heart and I'm devastated. If you guys could give him a little thought now and then, and say a few prayers, I'd appreciate it.


Active member
Thinking of you both. I love Elvis, but there is just something about my Odie. He's my first cat and I don't know what I'd do if he ever got sick.


New member
You know you've got all my good juju. :hugs:

BTW: What is it with male Ragdolls/male Ragdoll mixes?! SoSo was the reason I said that I'll never bring another male cat into my home too :lol:


New member
my darling cat BUD did this, the vet's advice was feed BUD what she likes, love her, and she will let you know when it is time to go to the Rainbow Bridge.....BUD did this, she hung on for a few weeks, being herself....then one night, she could no longer jump on the bed to sleep with me...she was too weak....we went then to the emergency vet and said out sweet goodbyes....I will see her again and be able to thank her for the 16 years that she was my best friend...Peace be with you during this time.Jill


New member
Dawn, I know that this might seem over the top, but a few months ago my cat, Bonnie, had a stroke. I had only known her for a short time, but getting that phone call was just devastating. My kitty is okay now, though, and I hope yours will be too. I don't pray, but know you're in my thoughts and your cat is in my heart. I'm actually holding back tears as I write this, but I hope everything turns out to be fine and she's with you for a good long while longer. I can imagine how much you love her.


New member
Thanks everyone! He's so bad, but he's my little shadow and I worry about him. He actually gained a pound, and I don't know if it's from the steriods or the two cans of wet food he's been eating a day to take his med's, but it's in the right direction!! :allg069: I think the NN power is working for him!!


New member
thanks everyone! He's so bad, but he's my little shadow and i worry about him. He actually gained a pound, and i don't know if it's from the steriods or the two cans of wet food he's been eating a day to take his med's, but it's in the right direction!! :allg069: I think the nn power is working for him!!
yay !!!!


New member
Mike's liver count has gone up extremely high, while his biblirubin is down. He isn't acting sick, but my vet is concerned. And slightly baffled. :(

Please keep my little guy in your thoughts. Thank you all!