Maggie and the Groundhog


New member
I have spent the better part of the day mad at this dog. We obviously need to go back to basics, because her recall sucks, and I don't even know where to start.

This morning there was a groundhog in the backyard, and I didn't see him until it was to late. He started running, and off she went. They are not particularly fast animals, so Maggie was right on top of him the whole time. The only thing he had on her was the ability to turn quickly. They ran back and forth, and then he would stop and bare his big ugly teeth at her, and she'd do a fake lunge at him or try to smack him, and off they'd go again. Most of my yard is flat, except directly behind the house, which is a very steep hill. They were up there, and the groundhog ran straight down. Maggie turned to follow him, and tripped, and started rolling butt over elbow. She must've hit hit the groundhog somehow, because he started rolling too. At one point, she rolled OVER him, and I was totally panicking because I was sure he was going to get a bite in before she crushed him.

Then I realized they were coming towards me. So I'm standing in the middle of my yard, holding a shovel that I was trying to break them up with, a leash and a bag of chicken I was trying to tempt her into the house with. Thank GOD I had the shovel, because I put it in front of me and he ran the other way, into the neighbors yard. Maggie went through the fence, and he came back into the yard,and under the fence. I had to climb over the fence, through a bunch of ivy I'm sure was full of God knows what, to get her because she couldn't figure out how to get back.

I checked her all over to make sure he didn't bite her, and I didn't see anything on her. The whole time I was telling her if I had to take her to the ER because she got bit I was never buying her treats again or ice cream from McDonalds. I yelled for so long while she was running back and forth and said so many foul words I feel like I have to write all of my neighbors notes of apology, and I hope no small children were outside.

I don't even know where to start with her on recall again, and all I could think of was Ronnie's dogs and how great their recall is and that if this was a snake Maggie would've been dead because I would've passed out.

As an added bonus, when I finally got back in the house, the cats had pulled down the curtains in the living room. Yay for pets.


Active member
Maggie mayhem, sounds like an interesting day, lol. At least you didn't fall in a hole ;) With the recall start from scratch.


New member
Wow! Glad you are all ok!! Leo, my Catahoula mix, loves chasing the squirrels and one time him and the squirrel got into it. I'm outside screaming like a lunatic, running after the two of them. Once I finally caught Leo I checked him over and didn't see anything. I was worried I missed something so I took him to the vet. The vet actually found a scratch on his nose I didn't see and Leo got some antibiotics. You might want to take Maggie in, just to be safe. Newfs' fur is thick and hard to look through. Just a thought. Hope you have a peaceful night!


New member
I guess there are some things a girl just can't resist. Wish you had had a video camera with you! Glad she's okay. Mine would have blown a knee.


New member
Groundhogs. This reminds me of the 2 Great Pyrenees we were watching from our windows at work. They were off-leash on a grassy hill and seemed to be working in tandem. My co-worker asked the owner what they were doing. The owner told her they were hunting groundhogs and were quite good at it. He said together they had killed a hundred and some odd number. The microbiologist just cringed and wondered how the dogs could have lived to be 6yr and 8 yr. I was thinking more along the lines of mange and how it could ruin those beautiful white coats.
So, perhaps Maggie will be fine if these dogs seem to do it for a living. I bet your cats had a blast watching it all unfold.


New member
When they were both rolling down the hill, I did wish I was recording it. Until I realized they were headed towards me. She just wanted to play, and she was having a blast, but I was terrified he'd latch on to her.

She is currently on a 20 foot lead so she can't not come when I call her. I think she knows she's in trouble because she won't walk unless I tell her it's ok. We're just going to have to work super hard on distractions with her, and hopefully it'll work.

My neighbors from across the street came over last night to ask what she did. They heard me yelling like a lunatic who had grown up on a seedy dock who took a course in cursing 101.

If anyone has any other training suggestions, feel free to let them flow!


Active member
Sorry, but the image of her rolling down a hill with a groundhog made me laugh out loud!! You're not alone with the recall thing. Elvis has had group training, personal training, and even boot camp twice and has never had a good recall. Or any recall for that matter. We've tried anything and everything but nothing has gotten through his thick skull. He's smart enough to listen and behave while on a long lead, but goes selectively deaf once the leash is off.


New member
I've not had Thor chase an animal yet, but I'm just waiting for the day he does take off after one of the rabbits that live around us. We too have some issues with recall, but not very often. I'd start back on a leash till you can trust her again. The first time Thor did not come when I called he was back on the leash for about a month before I let him off again outside. Good luck!


New member
Oh my god. I'm CRYING! Bah hahahaha! *wipes tears from face* I heart you Dawn. Also, I miss naughty Maggie stories like these, although I'm pretty sure you don't :lol:


New member
Don't feel bad. Katala's brain just switches off if there's an animal in the vicinity or small dogs in costumes especially if they have little bells.

There is no food you can wave in front of her nose to get her attention back I've lost track of the times she's flipped herself trying to leap up and run to them.

Bailey Boy

New member
Ok I admit it I laughed actually I laughed out loud ha! I can just picture the groundhog stopping in their tracks to give Maggie what for then running. Then reading that both were tumbling down the hill at the same time and that poor little ground hog with Maggie roll over top of him I can just imagine what was going through his mind. LOL

When my little Annie as a baby the dogs on the farm chased a groundhog under the small barn, Annie being the smallest stuck her nose under the edge to play. I can remember seeing my sisters MIL walking down the road with Annie in her arms saying she is ok but...thankfully just a small wound on her nose lip area, so your Maggie is very lucky indeed.

6ft leash and several 15 minute sessions of coming when called during the day :)