Recent content by Cascadians

  1. Cascadians

    Free Rally practice sessions with winner coaching, Portland Oregon area

    FREE informal beginner RALLY open practice sessions with coaching from #1 2013 Rose City show handler! Wednesday evenings at 6:30/p. Park Place Elementary School (now Alliance Charter Academy) playground and shelter across the street from my house. 16075 South Front Ave 97045. Park in the La...
  2. Cascadians

    Peril Drowning Under Ice

    Saw on Facebook that somebody lost dog under ice. Googled and saw many articles of persons drowning trying to save their dogs under ice. Had not realized this happens so much. Will always keep Orka tethered around frozen lakes, will train him not to step on ice. How do those that live...
  3. Cascadians

    Bigfoot or animals? Strange sounds (with recording)

    This article came up yesterday in the Oregonian and now has 90 comments. Have any of you heard these sounds before, and what is it? [ Fair Use: For Educational / Research / Discussion Purposes Only ]...
  4. Cascadians

    Sea Lion Flippin Waves Flipper Hi at Kayak Cool Orka

    Orka's been training around sea lions for a while now -- sea lions also watching and learning but there's always new ones so new introductions. This one actually rolled over and waved his flipper Hi to Orka yesterday! Got some of it on video, slowly learning to use GoPro Hero2 to document...
  5. Cascadians

    Hellion --> Wonderdog Thread

    To all those tearing their hair out and banging their head against brick walls with their out of control puppies -- yes it gets better! Training is absolutely the answer. It takes a lot of time but is so worth it. As of yesterday my boy has finally demonstrated enough continual days of...
  6. Cascadians

    Ack! Thief / Faker in Huge Viral News

    Unbelievable. Woman steals dog, fakes it as a service dog, and sues real owner as story goes viral all over the world. Unreal. There is so much interest in this story, and so much commentary, that The Oregonian newspaper and online site are posting links to police reports, rulings by...
  7. Cascadians

    Orka makes cover story for Seaman's Day!

    Wagoning children! For the 2nd year in a row Orka made the front page cover story of the Daily Astorian! The picture of him they chose is pretty funny -- there were far better ones of him actually pulling the kids but Mr Personality's antics seem to make ppl laugh. Tank Newf also made the...
  8. Cascadians

    All Hail Spectacular Newfoundland: Water Rescue Dogs!

    Ssooo beautiful, soul stirring, heart expanding, mind blowing. obsr-0V57b4
  9. Cascadians

    Screaming Newf Learning to Jump Off Rowboat (water training)

    Never heard any creature make the sounds Orka does. Waterwork folk getting an earful last 2 trainings. Entire expensive weekend, $75 gas, $100 motel, $50 trailer for all the costly gear, 4 hours driving one way, all for 15 minutes in the water with Newf. Worth it because we're newbies, but...
  10. Cascadians

    Orka Goes To PaddleFest -- water dog fun!

    Turned out so colorful and interesting and possible long term great effects. Oh Lord what a wild ride the PaddleFest was! We went right when it was ending because it was too sunny for Orka earlier. Still lots of kayaks canoes hybrids SUPs vendors and ppl there. Instantly Orka was mobbed...
  11. Cascadians

    Orka Goes To Zoo

    1st time to zoo. Get used to the smells and sights of wild animals in a controlled environment. Part of ongoing socialization so someday Orka will do a down stay with other dogs out in a wilderness park. Enrolled in 1 year membership today so this will be a continual ongoing training...
  12. Cascadians

    Mr Bad Boy's 1st Down Stay in the ring

    The NOT a brag laugh ... Mr Bad Boy's 1st Down Stay in the ring with other Newfs. The 1 exercise I've always been sure Orka would flunk because he'd run to play with the other dogs. But NNOOOO he has other ideas … epic fail, LOL Gv_vN3Ye74M
  13. Cascadians

    E-Z Ups, what do you use?

    What do you use for quick put-up shelters for training? I thought I was all done buying gear, whole house giant tack room for Orka, but NNOOOOOO ... Local club sent out 1st pre-water training workshop requirements, must have a bunch of stuff including crate and EZ-Up. What do you use for...
  14. Cascadians

    "How Strong Is A Newfoundlander Dog?"

    RDe8Z94HUXI LOL! 2007, wonder where and who.
  15. Cascadians

    Newf Ancestry

    Wolf. Mastiff. Bear. Vikings. Bear Dog. Indigenous Newfoundland Indian water dogs. What made the Newfoundland dog? What is the ancestry? I often wonder this as I watch Orka. He is like no other dog I have ever experienced. I see wolf bear otter gorilla and dog in him, and so many...