Screaming Newf Learning to Jump Off Rowboat (water training)


New member
Never heard any creature make the sounds Orka does. Waterwork folk getting an earful last 2 trainings. Entire expensive weekend, $75 gas, $100 motel, $50 trailer for all the costly gear, 4 hours driving one way, all for 15 minutes in the water with Newf. Worth it because we're newbies, but crazy! Here the proverbial village of top NCA Newf world teach Orka to jump off a boat for the 1st time.



New member
Learned so much. Have autism, never been able to handle a hose or line, practically strangle Jo, not even going to try using a long line ever again, dangerous. Haven't wanted to because of entrapment but my own clumsiness is even worse hazard *sigh*

Autism is a neurological disorder, epidemic, brain & nervous system's wiring is haywire. I have scarce proprioception -- knowing where anything is in space or time. Motor deficit. Where Orka is invaluable as my service Newf -- steadying, maneuvering, balance, navigation etc.

Usually scout out any water training location very thoroughly -- had never been IN this lake, didn't know what the slope or bottom was like: rocks, snags, obstructions, sharp objects etc so was nervous and scared but just winged it.

Orka is a bold free happy boy, very proud and eager to learn, but innately cautious, takes a while to train a new thing. He's scared too, And extraordinarily vocal.

Orka learns best by watching other dogs. He is dog crazy. It was really frustrating for him to spend hours around other Newfs without getting to meet and greet them or play with them. But he's gradually getting used to a controlled setting. AFTER he did this jumping practice he was absolutely riveted on the Newfs training afterward, watched everything with utmost attention.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude at the Seattle folk who helped with this -- some NCA top folk, generous and patient.

I had only 15 minutes in the water with Orka allotted, and was free to choose what we worked on. Since I have no rowboat and one is used in the tests, I wanted to have Orka experience the rowboat in the water and learn a new skill: jumping from a boat. I deliberately have waited to teach him this until he became less bolt prone and also the sea lions became less of a threat. Their mating season is over and they are not as aggressive.

Once Orka learns a new skill he puts it to immediate and frequent use :) It's been nice kayaking with him and never having him jump off the kayak in the water. But it's time now to seriously water train and add all the skills, one by one, baby steps.

You know you've joined the crazy Newf coterie when somebody says, "Go jump in a lake!" and you say "Now!" with a shout of glee, already geared and ready with your furbear.

Important secret of the universe: Want to learn water training? Volunteer to be a steward. Bingo.

I had good advice before going in -- thank you Megan Goldin Morrison for urging the life jacket use so no submersion = no water in ears = no freaked reluctant Newf. What one knows ahead of time and what actually happens is different -- spur of the moment, other ppl's expertise, dog's reaction etc. Glad the pros there knew what to do!

I could watch training videos all day and night. Usually ppl post the finished polished product -- which I love -- but I need to learn all the baby steps and what to do when things don't work.

Hope more ppl post training videos, waterwork drafting obedience, everything.

Connie w Tuck

New member
Great video. I am clumsy with the long line too. One thing that helped me is have someone else take care of the long line. All you have to do is get him on the boat and yourself on the boat. As time goes by - timing is everything. Good luck!


New member
Thx. Need a handbook that says, "This is how it's supposed to be done but if your dog does this, do that, or that, or this, or if you're too much of an idiot, do this." Dummies Guide To Water Training ;)

I'll be training Orka mostly by myself with a kayak. From my understanding the long line is to satisfy leash laws and be able to pull a dog in but we'll train where lots of dogs are retrieving in rivers without leashes. I have to do everything such that it will work just him and me alone.

Just saw a picture of a Newf stretched out diving with gusto off a boat, so beautiful. We'll get there :) This was Orka's 1st time. Know some dogs have the instinct and do it all perfectly 1st time but we're slow and careful, LOL

Orka's really good about getting off and on any boat now, shore or dock. In fact he's always asking permission to board fishing boats and yachts and I have to keep telling him, "not now." Will be practicing diving off boats and docks into water as soon as I can moor his kayak.

Really interesting watching the training. Wondering how a dog knows, when there's 3 drowners, who needs most help and what order to go retrieve ppl. Wonder how many Newfs know that instinctively.

Think what I'm going to do is take each exercise from all 3 levels, teach it, then use the open group practice to perform whatever he's learned with the "judge calls" as if it were the test so I can see where we're failing and get advice. Out of much failure comes success.


Active member
good for you Orka, sometimes it takes a little while to get used to new things and dont worry Leska it takes time to get coordinated in the water

Connie w Tuck

New member
Are there any group you can train with? Jumping from a boat is a group effort. Just like you experienced - 2 people in the boat - 2 people moving the boat and holding it. And One person that can help you and the line. The first thing is teach him the word jump. He gets off the sofa - jump. He is on a platform in your yard - jump. When I land train - on my deck - which is on step - collar on - lead on - Dog Name - come jump - 1 Missippi - pop. Good jump. Don't give them time to think. Then you when you find helpers with a boat - on shore same thing from yard. Then you go a little deeper - always keeping boat parrallel with shore. If you are ever near Cleveland Ohio - we have a good group. Plus Tracy and I are teaching water works up in Ontario this June.


New member
He knows "Jump!" on shore. We practiced it from the rowboat on shore and reinforced it from benches, tables, playground gym platforms.

It's the jumping into water from a boat or dock he's never done before.

Got a call into moorage manager, also went to see her; as soon as a fisherman leaves, the slip is ours. Sometime soon.

Don't know if there will be a group in Oregon until June 10. There is in Seattle, 4 hour drive for us, major undertaking, wouldn't be able to do it every weekend but sometimes.

Lots of land practice ppl drop out when it comes to getting in the water. I can already see I'll be joining the obsessed who when they travel look for water training groups, LOL Megan just drove 6 hours one way to New Mexico!

I can train through November here. But starting December the flooding and freezing becomes too dangerous. I'd like to start again in April but will have to see if Orka is able to handle the sea lions swimming up to him and barking in a chorus line up and down the banks. This year I was too scared of his eagerness to go interact with them but I've been working on his calm acceptance of big huge hunks of barking swimming creatures.

Connie w Tuck

New member
I don't blame him to be weary of the sea lions. Tracy use to work at Sea World - they were not the nicest creatures and pretty smelly. Although the penguins might of topped the smell-o-meter. Have fun water training!


New member
Connie the sea lions are a huge issue here, and Orka agrees they are very smelly!

We are within walking distance of the confluence of 2 major rivers, the Willamette & Clackamas, and close to Willamette Falls, the 2nd largest waterfalls by volume in the USA.

So even though we are 2 hours by car inland from the Pacific Ocean, when the salmon spring run starts, the sea lions swim from the ocean thru the Columbia River to the Willamette to the Clackamas and the Falls and park themselves on the docks where I moor Orka's kayak, and the banks and shores all up and down this area.

What I've learned is when they 1st come it is their mating season and the bulls are very aggressive and territorial. We walked a 6 mile loop path almost every day from the Falls to the Confluence to a bridge and back around thru trails and parks and one day Orka went nuts sniffing and tracking and running like a maniac, couldn't figure it out, on land. Then next day the barking started, first near us then taken up and echoing in a chorus line all up and down the rivers.

These sea lions want fish and are flipping fishermen and fish right out of their boats. They swam up to Orka in the water and shore and barked at him and squiggled up on land and followed us. I wanted to take video -- it would have made an awesome movie, so primitive and wild -- but I was terrified and desperately trying to use my whole body to convince Orka to move AWAY from the sea lions and walk further up onto higher land.

Anyway a couple days of that and we stopped going to our usual haunting grounds for over a month, just too much to cope with hordes of bullish sea lions. Was afraid Orka in his constant desire to play would jump on one and get bitten or slapped or catch one of their dog-communicable deadly diseases.
Savvy Oregon City sea lions fatten at anglers' expense

" .... Then disappeared from sight ... The river exploded as the sea lion erupted from below, breaching almost completely from the water ... For the past few weeks, Oregon City has been a crucible of anxiety ... This past week we saw another one grab a fish literally at the feet of a bank fisherman just about to land his prize on Meldrum Bar ... Smart anglers have learned to sit quietly in their seats with each hookup and fight the fish without fanfare. Others keep the mammals barely at bay with paint ball guns. Nets only come out at the last moment and even that is often too soon ... The Internet is aflame with photos of body-less salmon heads ... "
Beginner Sea Lion Kumbaya
Beginner Sea Lion II

^^^ recent videos of Orka learning to be calm and quiet(er) around the sea lions