Hellion --> Wonderdog Thread


New member
To all those tearing their hair out and banging their head against brick walls with their out of control puppies -- yes it gets better!

Training is absolutely the answer. It takes a lot of time but is so worth it.

As of yesterday my boy has finally demonstrated enough continual days of perfect behavior that I can finally say I have a gentleman Newf! This is a monumental day and will come for all those who put the time and effort into their Newfs.

Do not have time at the moment to detail all the naughtiness we have been through, but suffice it to say the angels are having a party and rejoicing at the change :devil3: :dance01:

Going to link some threads of great advice here, only time at the mo to link one but hope this thread will serve as hope when you're ready to scream for relief from your puppy's antics.

Newfie too much to handle