Well Wishes and Prayers Needed


New member
I would like to ask for prayers for my Aunt Loretta. She is an amazing woman, one of the best people I know and is like a second mother to me. I grew up spending my summers at her home in London.
We have gotten bad news that 2 weeks ago she started feeling nauseous, became dizzy, needed to hold the walls to walk, and lost vision in her left eye. Prior to two weeks ago she was perfectly healthy and is a younger woman (52). She was initially diagnosed with viral labyrintitis and was being treated in her home. Today she had to be hospitalized after having a seizure and a 5 mm tumor was found on her brain. A specialist is flying in tomorrow to see her, but things are not looking good and it is hard to stay positive and optimistic. Prayers and good thoughts of healing are greatly appreciated.


New member
Thank you. Aside from hope and pray, I do not know of anything else anyone can do so I do appreciate people thinking of her.


New member
Thank you. The well wishes are working and we found out today after the specialist saw her that the "tumor" is actually a cyst. The cyst is most likely masking a smaller tumor, but there is no way to know until they can get the cyst to go down and get her healthy enough to be able to go in and see what's going on. Today's news at least shed's hope for a positive outcome.