Sam's 1st Gotcha Day - A bit long


New member
A year ago today a very special friendship began the moment Sam & I met.
We have experienced 4 different seasons together and I've made the poor guy do so many crazy & new-to-him things.

He experienced the joy of galloping through the waters of Georgian Bay

Discovered a penchant for picking apples and hiding them in his bed.

Hauling leaves.

Being made to look silly for the Santa Claus Parade.

Went to draft classes - dismal behaviour there - but still got his own cart. (Can you say spoiled?)

Went to the Water Workshop - again not a star - but did swim for the first time - even with a severely sinking bottom end!!!!

Now has his own lifejacket so he doesn't sink :groovy:

Gets to go to work with me every day and is loved by all the guys! :D

He is a sweet, gentle, goofy boy who doesn't care about being a talented athlete or scholar :D but is just happy to be......he does lean and sleep very skillfully. :!rolling:
Can't believe it's only been a year, it feels like we have always been together!

My Boy! :hugs:

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New member
Oh Sharon. The love you have for Sam just resonates and you guys have become such an integral part of NN and Newf Friends. A match made in heaven !!! If anything was ever meant to be it was the 2 of you becoming a family. Your thoughtful posts and wicked sense of humor are so much fun... and you are just the best !!! :alc:


New member
Happy GOTCHA Day Sam! You look so incredibly happy.
Don't worry though, you're not by yourself in the "just happy to be" club. I have three more club members right here.


New member
Happy gotcha day Sam!
This story is so sweet ...the love, the bond's heartwarming :hugs:

Everything Kelly said.

And I love that you let him try things, but don't push him if it isn't "his" thing. He hit the jackpot... and I bet you feel the same way! ;)


New member
Fabulous photos....very handsome Newf....cherished friendship....what a wonderful, sweet story. Thank you for sharing. I hope you both had a happy Gotcha Day with many more to follow!


New member
Happy Gotcha Day Sam, you truly are the best. I am so glad to have met you and your lovely boy and looking forward to spending some time with you at NewfStock.


Active member
I love gotcha days it makes you think and reevaluate what they have learnt and how far they have come since we got them.

He looks very happy and is a credit to you