Puppy forum - family can post - not the breeder?

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I read a bit of this last night and decided that it was way too histrionic for me. Then this AM decided to come back and see. Came in at page 12. Still view my opinion yesterday as close to the truth. Personally I am tired of having bad behavior excused as caused by something the person cannot control. But then I am 20 year PAST menopause so have lots more of that sort of thing in my experience. Bad behavior is bad behavior for whatever reason. This site has always been extremely interesting and provided me with lots and lots of very useful info about the breed and dogs in general. Even though loving and caring for all the "rescues" and "rehomes" that we have over the years has taught us a lot, it hasn't taught us everything about every breed so we still have lots to learn. Learning should be an essential part of everyone's life at every age. Snide comments when people are trying to help don't do a poster any good. And I feel like saying that even the choice of a User name makes me wonder. As for wanting to breed her own litter essentially very early in the "knowing the breed" game seems a little preposterous. So now, if she is really "still here" she can take pot shots at me, (because of course I did too). Fair's fair, right!


New member
Wow, wow, wow. I only read through the first three pages---ummm. Yeah. Wow.

Any person can pull together $2000 for a dog--especially this time of year (tax time). I love the whole theory that spending more on a dog means your dog will get better care. My dog costs $50 a month for vet insurance, $220 to feed, $100 for grooming, $15 for heart worm meds, and $15 for flea meds. This doesn't begin to factor in the molding he ate yesterday, the countless toys we buy, the 7 baby gates he has destroyed just by knocking them over.

But, yeah---being able to buy a newf must surely mean you can care for it properly. Yeah, that's it.
PLEASE tell me WHERE you get heartworm and flea prevention for 15 ea.
hook a sistah up. I could use the extra money to get me a long over due pedicure....with designs


New member
I remember when I asked about co-ownership because I didn't really get it at that point, I felt a little attacked, but I respected the breeders who responded to me and took it to heart. I didn't feel the need to get defensive or insult anyone. I did, however, feel the need to clarify my questions and answer carefully so that my intentions were fully understood. No one wants to be made out as the bad guy/girl. I get it now and it was definitely a learning experience.

Going to shows and club events, tests, etc. also helped me to see things from a breeders point of view. You get to know them and see what they do and what they put up with. I feel like my knowledge now compared to 2 years ago is completely different and I'm sure 2 years from now it will be vastly increased yet again. I also found the perfect breeder for me that I thought I would never find, but it did take 2 years. (you guys weren't kidding about that)

The kind of judgment that has taken place, or assumptions I should say, are all out of a desire to protect the breed. You don't just assume best case scenarios and go on about your business. If you, for whatever reason, have red flags that are raised, you ask questions and act on that instinct. It comes from a good place...a desire to protect the breed that we love so much. Nothing wrong with asking for clarification. Preventing a problem before it happens is much better than dealing with it (or letting rescue deal with it) after the fact. If things are clarified and there is no problem, then all the better. If you ignore those red flags though and something bad happens, you're left with that guilt and you can't help but wonder if you could have made things better just by asking those questions. The human mind evolved to judge and stereotype for a reason. Yes, it can be bad, but it's there and has a purpose nonetheless. It's a built-in part of the mind that can protect you and those around you from bad things. (/end soapbox)

I'm glad that more info was posted about agoraphobia. I thought I knew what it was, but there is more to it than I was aware of. I also enjoyed the videos on youtube of the woman with the newf who helped her with her agoraphobia. They're really touching videos.


New member
Reputable breeders aren't out there looking for puppy buyers. It's the other way around. Also, not every dog has the characteristics required to be a service dog and assessing a pup as a candidate isn't fool-proof. You may want to look into getting an older dog...
I agree, my almost ex-SIL has a service dog (English Lab). She informed me that most service dog training places, will not do puppies, but want adult young dogs to train. You might want to look at a re-home Newf. Just an idea.


Inactive User
And I feel like saying that even the choice of a User name makes me wonder. As for wanting to breed her own litter essentially very early in the "knowing the breed" game seems a little preposterous. So now, if she is really "still here" she can take pot shots at me, (because of course I did too). Fair's fair, right!
Just so you dont have to "wonder": I grew up in Suriname, as I stated previously. It's a tiny DUTCH colony above Brazil, the language in Suriname is also Dutch, that is your geography lesson for the morning. Anyway in Suriname, it's about 90 degreese with 100% humidity... So as a small child I opted to be naked, much like the Indians in the jungle whom I was raised with... So my dad gave me the nickname Dolly Boons, 2 words, it is a Dutch nickname, meaning cute butt!! I was horrified growing up with such a nickname, but, it suck, it is who I am and ties me to where I have come from... I'm not 100% sure what it was that made you wonder, but I am quite certain it wasent good thoughts.

Furthermore I never said I had never owned a Newfie before, you all did, again another assumption.
And for the record, it costs quite a bit more to own a Clydesdale horse then a dog of any breed.


New member
Just so you dont have to "wonder": I grew up in Suriname, as I stated previously. It's a tiny DUTCH colony above Brazil, the language in Suriname is also Dutch, that is your geography lesson for the morning. Anyway in Suriname, it's about 90 degreese with 100% humidity... So as a small child I opted to be naked, much like the Indians in the jungle whom I was raised with... So my dad gave me the nickname Dolly Boons, 2 words, it is a Dutch nickname, meaning cute butt!! I was horrified growing up with such a nickname, but, it suck, it is who I am and ties me to where I have come from... I'm not 100% sure what it was that made you wonder, but I am quite certain it wasent good thoughts.

Furthermore I never said I had never owned a Newfie before, you all did, again another assumption.
And for the record, it costs quite a bit more to own a Clydesdale horse then a dog of any breed.
I really wish you would take as much time responding to the HELPFUL posts as you do to the ones that you perceive as an attack...


New member
And for the record, it costs quite a bit more to own a Clydesdale horse then a dog of any breed.
No, it doesn't. I've owned a worked with draft horses all of my life, mainly Clydesdales and Percherons. My Clyde Jock was cheaper than Mila my Newf. Although in fairness, that was just me, I suppose you can skimp on quality care for one or the other and it could go the other way.
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New member
I am going to buy a FULL registration dog, and I am going to breed my dog, IF it passes all health temperment and service tests!! Of that you can be sure. I am also going to quit this crappy clique of a website!
So all you Peole that care so much about dogs, will have zero involvement with the future if my pup, way to go!!! You could have at least had some input... You can all keep your crappy little high school group. I will defer questions to more mature people that don't try to force what they believe onto others, only offer truly helpful advice!
Way to go! You ran off 3 new members in less then 24 hours (my husband and daughter were to join as well) maybe net time you can do it faster.
If anyone wants to contact me with useful information, my email address is dollyboons@yahoo.com and I can be reached on Facebook with the same email address.
Lots of undue hostitility here. I don't breed, but it seems to me that everything you have said is "My Way or the Highway." I can forsee that you will end up with a BYB/Mill Dog. Sad, as based on what I've read here is that good advice was offered, and because you don't/won't take it for what it is, "good Advice" and you've dug in your heels and have attacked good people for no reason other than they have offered you good advice, and you've rebuffed them, and called them juvenile names, goes to show me, that a newf may not be suited for you. Sorry, you will of course call me High School or whatever you want, that's no skin off my nose, as I have a thick skin. There are some very reputable breeders here, and people whom have years of experience with Newfies, giving you good advice. If you do not wish to take it, fine, however, at the same time, the likelyhood of you now obtaining what you want has been diminished, by your inability to be flexible, and insulting and demeaning people here is not going to win you any awards either. Sorry JMHO.:icon_cool:


New member
I couldn't agree more, Ted.

Lots of undue hostitility here. I don't breed, but it seems to me that everything you have said is "My Way or the Highway." I can forsee that you will end up with a BYB/Mill Dog. Sad, as based on what I've read here is that good advice was offered, and because you don't/won't take it for what it is, "good Advice" and you've dug in your heels and have attacked good people for no reason other than they have offered you good advice, and you've rebuffed them, and called them juvenile names, goes to show me, that a newf may not be suited for you. Sorry, you will of course call me High School or whatever you want, that's no skin off my nose, as I have a thick skin. There are some very reputable breeders here, and people whom have years of experience with Newfies, giving you good advice. If you do not wish to take it, fine, however, at the same time, the likelyhood of you now obtaining what you want has been diminished, by your inability to be flexible, and insulting and demeaning people here is not going to win you any awards either. Sorry JMHO.:icon_cool:


New member
At this juncture why is anybody continuing to post here? It's crystal clear that the OP has no desire to do anything but engage in a negative manner.
While I'm amused at her comment about the origin of her name the rest is aimed and darted with Unwarranted defensive posturing. We've all had enough of that as of late.
The answer to your question has been posted several times. NO! There is no such place that REPUTABLE breeders offer puppies for sale. What else is left except for you to say "Ok, thanks, just asking."
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New member
I agree with you, Ronnie. Agoraphobics are notorious for needing all of their ducks in a row. They have a great desire for predictability in their lives. That would explain why she wants to breed, she wants to be certain she will have service dogs for the future. While this may sound nonsensical to an experienced Newf breeder, knowing the unpredictability of any given litter, it makes perfect sense to someone given to unrealistic expectations. They have tunnel vision (in the figurative sense) they make up their minds that this is the answer to their problems, so they push on, full speed ahead.

Agorophobes are prone to feel hurt and anger much faster than the average person (extra-sensitive), and possibly why she lashed out so quickly when people suspected her of being disingenuous. There is a heightened sense of rigidity and they are always thinking ahead as they are 'consumed' with their condition and their future. I've seen evidence of all of these traits in her posts.

I believe her when she says she wants to get out and do things with her children and she believes a Newf will be able to provide escape from her physical isolation, in addition to therapy for her and assisting her to meet people when she goes out in public (providing another form of therapy). How many times do you go out with your Newf and people stop to talk to you? All the time, right? She wants a Newf as an ice breaker, allowing her to conquer barriers that she hasn't been able to cope with previously when she's out in public.

Nope, I don't know her, didn't PM her, and nope, I don't have agoraphobia, but I do have a childhood friend that is agoraphobic and my MIL was agoraphobic, only leaving her home to visit immediate relatives. They tend to be very intelligent people, also. Believe me when I tell you, it is a life altering, truly debilitating disorder. :( I am not excusing the behavior, just explaining it. If that *is*, in fact, what's going on with this person.

I can't *know* that she isn't trying to start up a BYB, just that from what I've read, the behavior/symptoms coincide. :shuffle:
Perhaps if she had stated what the issue was at the begining, things would have gone better as far as the thread was concerned. Jus sayin!:eek:fftopic:
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