Prayers for Pooka


New member
No - they are keeping him overnight to continue fluids and antibiotics and to monitor his temp.

I wish they would let me sleep in the ICU with him!


New member
Fever is down to the mid-high 102's. He's doing better. Dr. Trotter said not to worry tonight.
I know it's easy to say but you have to let the pros take care of the big guy and you have to take care of you... hugs my friend... :hugs:


Active member
I think they should let you. You're up every hour anyway and you could check on him. Hugs.


New member
Nessa, dear. You've helped me before, I wish I could send comforting words to you now. I have a rescue mutt that was vomiting and had diarreah a couple of weeks ago. No one knew what had started it (my Newf began with it, and then passed it to her). the Vet pleaded with me to leave her overnight at the clinic I know and respect highly....but NO ONE wd be there. I honestly thought the girl would die that night, so I inisisted on bringing her home. I only wanted her to know (which she does, believe me) how much she's loved and been welcomed after a hideous beginning in this world. She's on the other side (HERE, that is!) and I can only hope that will be the case with Pooka. You have provided countless smiles and laughs here with your stories of Pooka and your other Newf.

Biggest heart wishes and thoughts sent your direction...........


New member
been following this on FB....snding prayers from NN as well..Hugs and smooches for Pooka


New member
Luckily my vet's office is 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year. There are always ER vets and vet techs on site monitoring - especially the critical care patients.


New member
I'm so sorry y'all are going through this. But, you are so lucky to have 24-hour care for him! They will watch him non-stop, so please get some rest. Hoping for good news in the a.m.!


New member
Oh Nessa, I just read all this. I'm a bit worried about you too. Many prayers said on your behalf. Sounds like Pooka is in good hands.


New member
Sounds like he is resting comfortably in a first class hospital. too, need to rest comfortably, so you'll be ready to bring him home tomorrow:) Kim