

New member
Late yesterday I received the devastating diagnosis that my Anya has osteosarcoma in her front right leg. Did not see that one coming. On Monday I noticed her limping...thinking she may have sprained her leg jumping off the bed. Made the vet appointment for the leg and her skin. Vet Dx her with a staff infection but is more concerned about her leg. He takes the Xray, calls me into the Xray room, shows me the image then gives me the news. I am still reeling from it.


New member
Amputation and chemo may extend her life. She is 7 1/2 years old. It comes down, in my mind, quality or quantity of life, and for whose benefit.


Active member
Oh Gwen, I'm so sorry. It certainly takes the wind out of anybody's sails. Wishing you both a calming peace that helps guide you through it. We are all here for you both.


New member
Excellent article. It confirms what I know in my heart is best for Anya. Thank you for sharing.


New member
My heart sank when I read this. I got this news the same way when my Saint started limping. It is so devastating. You seem to have a good handle on what is in the best interest for your dog long term. Hoping you have peace at this time.


Active member
I'm so sorry you're going through this. As long as you follow your heart, you will absolutely do what is best for Anya. I admire your comment about "quality over quanity" and have a feeling that I would make the exact same decision if I'm ever faced with it.


Super Moderator
That sucks, I am so sorry. Sending hugs to her and good thoughts that you decide what is best for her.


New member
I lost my Titus to osteosarcoma. I could not amputate, for many reasons, and all the radiation would have done for him was prolong the inevitable....... It is such an awful decision to have to make. My heart goes out to you. Hugs and prayers coming your way..........


New member
My heart sank when I read this Gwen .. Will be watching and praying for you ..:icon_knuddel: