Hi! Cadie is doing really well, being such a good sport about it all, adapting well to her limitations and her sweet, good-natured self still shines through. She is a little impatient to get out of her pen at times so has managed to scoot past me and then goes sprawling on the floor. Which then causes me to cry and think, "I can't do this! It's too much!" And I have a little pity-party. The first 48 hours were the most stressful for me, then I was just down, now I am finally, I think, accepting what is and am going to try not to worry. I realize I worry a lot about her and what COULD happen if I don't take good care of her during recovery. Tomorrow is her 2 week appt at which time the cone should come off, finally, and hopefully the surgeon will think things are going well. If not, she may want to do xrays to see. Normally she would get them at the 8 wk mark. So she's going great, and I am trying to hang on to my sanity!

Thank you for checking in!