Monty is sick


New member
I hope he starts settling down soon for you. Sending good thoughts to Monty and hugs to you and pray it isn't as serious as you fear. Sounds like you both have been through enough.


New member
Another batch of good thoughts for Monty. I hope you can get to the bottom of things and get Monty on the road to recovery.


Active member
Hope Monty is doing better. It is so scary when these things happen. Sending lots of prayers your way.


New member
The vet called and said Monty's blood good. From his blood work he would have expected him to be doing better. If he is not better by tomorrow they will probably have to put him in the hospital. He is also not eating. So we really don't know what is wrong , it is just wait and see. keep the prayers coming.


New member
Sending more good thoughts and healing energy for an improvement in Monty's situation. (((HUGS FOR YOU,TOO)))


New member
Monty is doing better. Last night he finally stopped panting and had a restful night.
He ate this morning and is drinking. I took his temperature and it is 102. I called the vet and he said not to bring him in as that stresses Monty out. So for now things are looking good. The vet did say they had a few dogs with high fevers that responded to antiobotics so he doesn't know if it is something "going around". Everyones prayers seem to be working. Monty is so sweet and I hate to see him so distressed.


New member
It's good to hear that he had a restful night. Hopefully the antibiotics are doing their thing, and he'll be back to normal in no time.

Is he eating again today?