Manny is home (long version)


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We had a good trip home even though there were some rough patches of road through Iowa and it started snowing as soon as we reached the Wisconsin state line. We got to the house went to go in through the front door and Manny laid down on the sidewalk. We took our time and encouraged him and eventually he felt safe enough and confident enough to go in the door. He eagerly sniffed around the house and sized up the situation and seemed to settle right in.

It didn't take him long to figure out where the "outside" door is and he and Husker played like no one's business. You can see the joy in both their eyes. I think energetic, play loving Manny has finally met his match in Husker, who just can't get enough of him. When Manny gets tired of playing, he jumps up on the couch or the loveseat to gratefully accept lots of petting, grooming, and hugs and kisses from us. He follows Terry around like he's his shadow.

They both ate with gusto once home even though we spoiled them with treats and roast beef sandwiches from Arby's on the way home. (We need to work on them not eating out of each others bowls) Both Manny and Husker are extremely food motivated and it looks like we'll have to work with Manny's manners while Terry and I sit and eat our own dinners at the table. Manny will also need some work with taking treats nicely and we've made quick progress with putting treats in the palms of our hands and saying "easy" as he takes them, instead of holding them out with our fingers.

We had a minor issue with Manny not wanting to give a bone up at one point and we'll be working with "give its and take its."

This morning, we worked with Manny on going in and out of the house and his confidence level is way up and we felt that it was safe to take him for a ride over to the local Petco so that we could pick up necessary supplies like his crate, food/water bowls, a gentle leader and a new lead and of course...chicken treats and a new Kong. He wasn't fearful at all, even with the automatic doors and he quickly made lots of new friends who wanted to love on him in the store. :hugs:

I'll be posting pics very shortly. Manny is doing great and we are so, so, so very happy to give him a forever home!

We'll also be trying a new name out for him and see how he responds to it. So from now on, we'll be posting images and threads under "Helo" instead.

--short break--

Bahahahah! Uh oh! Helo can jump the baby gate!

He's been watching Terry outside shoveling for the last half hour and whining for him to come back in. Time for some lovin'! More updates soon. Thanks for everyone's support!


New member
That's great news! Sounds like Manny has found the perfect forever home!

Can't wait to see more pictures!!


New member
This is such good news. It's always nice when things get off to a positive start. Everyone is off and running (including Manny aka Helo) on a great note.


Active member
Hi Becky, sounds like he's up to some old tricks. Hey, if it worked in the past, it might work now.

He responded to "leave it" (followed by "GOOD JOB, Good leave it!") here, but a lot may depend on how high value the food is. I used "leave it" many times when they were all eating, because Manny always finishes before the others and wants to see if they are dropping anything he can scavenge. We worked on sits and downs while everyone else finished their bowls. That kept him occupied in a good way.

I did keep the treats in my palm too, so I'm glad you figured that out quickly, because I don't remember us talking about that. I noticed that when all the dogs were waiting for a cookie, he tended to try to grab his first. Try saying their individual names before you hand the cookie to each one. He was very good with that and waited until his name was called. I sort of expect that he will conveniently "forget" what manners we were working on here.

He acts like he's starving all the time, but quickly put on weight here, making me reluctant to feed him more. He's a good weight now, so don't let him con you. He has the "look" down pretty well.

You can easily trade a treat for most anything he has, that you don't want him to have. So if there's an issue with bones or chewies, offer a trade and say "give". That worked for me. He soon figured out where I kept the treats and would take the forbidden object to that spot. Of course, that might also create a "monster" who LOOKS for things to trade. He's no dummy. LOL

Helo MAN. Be GOOD! I know that you know how and I'm watching! LOL Bet that scared him. HA!
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Active member
glad to hear he's doing well, as a cautionery word try to keep a routine as some rescues will play up a little after they feel secure in their new home.
Also make sure you use the same words for behaviour control.
It sounds like he's doing really well though and the taking treats roughly will soon pass once he realises he will be ok as it took us 5 months to break this habit with Beau (one of his more stubborn habits),

Doc's Mom

New member
This is such good news, Helo is adjusting to his new home well. So glad you made it back safely and I can't wait for more updates and pictures!


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Here are a few pics of Helo and Husker from our trip to the local Petco...

Daddy being crushed by love..

Here is Helo jumping up to watch me shovel the snow..



Active member
OK. 'Bout time. Now that's the dog I know. What a sneak, holding out like that.

Picture #3. Yup, that looks like the press manuever where he wants to weld himself to you.

Extra happy that you had a positive experience in Petco! That might well be the turning point for him.

And yes, I did changed it! hahahahahahaha You're a riot! He was smart to choose you guys for his family! You'll match his wry sense of humor.

Piper is being clingy but she's fine. Hugo thinks that Manny (that's how he knows him) was like pesky company that stayed too long. LOL. He's not having any withdrawals.

And me, it's hard not to miss someone who was constantly by your side, but he's where he should be. No doubt.


New member
So glad all is going well. Looks like one big happy family. Thanks for taking the sweet boy in. I'd say he had a wonderful foster mom too!

R Taft

Active member
Bless you guys for giving Manny/Helo a forever home and he was lucky also to have such a great foster parent. What would happen with out all these great people


Active member
Helo...I like it! Looks like a match made in heaven, by way of Jane, the foster Mom! Please keep us up-dated on all the Good, Bad, Sneaky and Underhanded tricks going on in your household. And by the looks of things, I'd say your Husband will have his hand in all of the Sneaky and Underhanded things! :D


New member
Day #2...We spent most of the day yesterday taking down Christmas decorations and organizing a special room for the dogs. (We have a formal dining room that we use once or twice a year, so we decided it would be a good place for them.) We moved around alot of furniture, relocating it to other rooms in order to make room for their crates and toys.

I woke up this morning to two newfs staring me in the face from inches away. As soon as I opened my eyes, Helo gave me a big sloppy kiss and was off to the races! I let them outside while I prepared their food and then it was outside to play again for a good hour. I can't believe the boundless energy! They seem to be playing well together and each takes turns taking submissive stances, so I think that is a really good thing. They are getting better about settling down inside the house, but from time to time they get really rambunctious which is to be expected. Helo has discovered his "safe zone" is on the couch and Husker has been really good about picking up the signals. I can't believe how smoothly things are going! It's like Helo was meant to be here all along.

I'm a little worried about crating them today. Terry and I have overlapping schedules on Mondays and Tuesdays, but the rest of the week at least one of us is home. From what Jane tells us, Helo takes to his crate quite well. So we'll see what later today brings.

I could use some suggestions on how folks feed multiple dogs at the same time. Helo and Husker like to race to eat and then attempt to eat out of the bowl that belongs to the other. Once we observed that behavior, we crated one while feeding the other and then switched roles. (and making sure that not the same one eats first all the time as to not determine their "pecking order" for them.)

We're having a blast!

and to Jane....his stools look good!


New member
What a fantastic story. What can happen when loving people get together to give a pup what he needs. And, the pictures are hilarious!

My two dogs fought over food (I tried to break their fight up and got scratched badly and had to have a tetanus shot), so the vet suggested that I split them up. duh on me. So, we feed Sampson first and they both know it. I closed the door, too, at first. Then, he walks out and I feed Norman. No food is left down - ever. Not even a bag as they will snipe at each other with a bag nearby. If Norman doesn't eat his immediately, the food gets put away. So, now I don't even close the door when one eats - they have learned their pecking order which is #1 Sampson, #2 Norman.

Thanks for sharing a wonderful story.


New member

On the food issues... Mine have never been food aggressive. We've had 3 rescues, though not at the same time, only 2 at a time. I always from day one have made my dogs sit and wait until they are fed. If they move, then I pull the food, and eventually they get it, even the one that had been wandering the streets for months. I have had a friend's dog visit long term. She was a bit testy about food, so she was fed in another room.

Good luck and sounds like you'll be on your toes!
