I thought maybe it was time.....

Faith Olsen

New member
... I officially introduced marnie.

Everyone here has been very supportive of all my newfies... (and the disastrous luck I have had)
Marnie will be 3 on the 31st of this month. She is actually the grand daughter of our first newf mary lou.

She has slotted in like she was always here. She is particularly close to hayley.

She has really helped to heal the hurt... but honestly, I miss my wookie every day, and there isnt a day when I dont well up when I think of him. She has been very good for the kids though.



New member
I think she looks like Pooka's sister! (so obviously I think she's perfect!!!)

We miss Wookie here too, Faith. Huge hugs.


New member
She's a beautiful girl. And I understand your grief. I still well up when I think of my Rogan who crossed the bridge this last July.


New member
We miss Wookie, too :hug: But I'm glad you've found another Furbaby to love :heart: Welcome Marnie!


New member
The Wooks was a special boy, and I still miss him, too. Marnie is a beauty, though and hopefully will fill at least a small portion of that hole in your heart. Congratulations :)


New member
In my beliefs a beloved dog who has moved back to spirit selects the next dog to enter your life. What a lovely gift Wookie chose for you and your family, Marnie is a beauty. Best wishes for a long and healthy life together.


New member
She is absolutely gorgeous and so floofy! I'm jealous; we're floofless here. I empathize with your missing your beloved Wookie. I still miss every dog I have ever had that has gone on to the spirit world.

Sheila B.

New member
Welcome Marnie! I too believe that each dog that moves on does so when they have taught us all they can and open our lives to the new one who in some greater way chooses us. I can't really explain it other than knowing the sadness we feel may also be a new door opening in our heart. Marnie walked through your door.


New member
Welcome Marnie! I understand too about loving your new dog while still crying over the one you are missing. It is because they are each their own "person" and while your heart grows to have a spot for the new one, there's still a part that's broken over your old love.