Hello again and GOODBYE

Bella and Gabe

New member
I went looking for the right emoticon (this one: :cry:), but saw so many that expressed my emotion at your self-imposed bannifcation, like this one: :eek: or this one: :darn: or this one: :mad: . Just because a girl has a bit of :devil: in her, and occasionally :neener: a deserving soul to help him/her :lol:, and perhaps throws in the occasional :slap:, doesn't mean she shouldn't feel comfortable here for :shocker: of a :nono:. It is very :banghead: to have to carefully choose every word in order to be PC, it's nearly impossible not to sound :icon_lamer:. What makes one person :roflmao: makes another :grrr:. I am :( to see you :run:, but it's gotten so :icon_stupid: that I know we all fear we'll :uhoh2:.

(there was more, but apparently we are limited to 20 images)

:icon_bb: Yep, well stated! :D

Thule's Mom

New member
I went looking for the right emoticon (this one: :cry:), but saw so many that expressed my emotion at your self-imposed bannifcation, like this one: :eek: or this one: :darn: or this one: :mad: (I'd have used this one: :cussing2: but didn't want to get in trouble). Just because a girl has a bit of :devil: in her, and occasionally :neener: a deserving soul to help him/her :lol:, and perhaps throws in the occasional :slap:, doesn't mean she shouldn't feel comfortable here for :shocker: of a :nono:. It is very :banghead: to have to carefully choose every word in order to be PC, it's nearly impossible not to sound :icon_lamer:. What makes one person :roflmao: makes another :grrr:. I am :( to see you :run:, but it's gotten so :icon_stupid: that I know we all fear we'll :uhoh2:.

I'll :beer: for you tonight.

(there was more, but apparently we are limited to 20 images)

Says it all!!!


New member
I was gonna say "Is it really such a great loss? except for the :new_popcornsmiley: value?" And then I saw this:

I went looking for the right emoticon (this one: :cry:), but saw so many that expressed my emotion at your self-imposed bannifcation, like this one: :eek: or this one: :darn: or this one: :mad: (I'd have used this one: :cussing2: but didn't want to get in trouble). Just because a girl has a bit of :devil: in her, and occasionally :neener: a deserving soul to help him/her :lol:, and perhaps throws in the occasional :slap:, doesn't mean she shouldn't feel comfortable here for :shocker: of a :nono:. It is very :banghead: to have to carefully choose every word in order to be PC, it's nearly impossible not to sound :icon_lamer:. What makes one person :roflmao: makes another :grrr:. I am :( to see you :run:, but it's gotten so :icon_stupid: that I know we all fear we'll :uhoh2:.

(edit to not exceed the magic 20 number)

(there was more, but apparently we are limited to 20 images)
'nuff said! LOL


New member
So, I am a relative newbie and I try to keep my toes clean. However, I cannot keep my mouth shut on this one. How can we rely on the advice given on this forum if nobody can dispute or in any way fully discuss said advice? I understand that most folks are trying to pass on information that has worked for them and they do not think they are giving bad advice. However, if folks are now going to think twice about posting in disagreement, then whatever information is left on those threads will be considered correct by the many people that rely on what is posted. To me, that is frightening. I am sorry that you are leaving. It is a shame.


New member
oh just great !!!! i cant work the face book thing , so how am i gonna know how you and your crew are doin , gonna miss you ,


New member
Let us wear her down so she'll come back.... :icon_bb:

But to be serious.. It takes all kinds to make a family.. and we are a family... Debra.. you are part of that family even if we get a little dysfunctional at times. Mods have a hard job.. but when "trolls" enter our group and are clearly recognized for what they are...get the frig rid of them...:run:

I have said it before.. I believe that most members are 100% here to learn, to vent, to cry and rejoice.. So let's not allow those creepy troll like people to fragment us.. :alc:

Plus and very important...... The Commander has enough on his plate without having to worry about his armed forces falling apart...... :shocker:


New member
Let us wear her down so she'll come back.... :icon_bb:

But to be serious.. It takes all kinds to make a family.. and we are a family... Debra.. you are part of that family even if we get a little dysfunctional at times. Mods have a hard job.. but when "trolls" enter our group and are clearly recognized for what they are...get the frig rid of them...:run:

I have said it before.. I believe that most members are 100% here to learn, to vent, to cry and rejoice.. So let's not allow those creepy troll like people to fragment us.. :alc:

Plus and very important...... The Commander has enough on his plate without having to worry about his armed forces falling apart...... :shocker:

Well said!! :icon_bb:


New member
Things have been sacchrine in the basement since religion and politics were outlawed. Now they will be so in the dog threads and it will be difficult to distinguish who has real knowledge and who is blowing hot air without hard rebuttals to postings. Like Leska I love the ability to search but if the answers are not subject to peer review what good is it? We get to look at pretty pictures of lovely dogs and commiserate if animals or people are sick, celebrate if things are good, but get no knowledge we can count out or even see different viewpoints to help us evaluate the worth thereof. I found myself caveating a perfectly innocuous post in case someone took umbrage and I wasn't PC enough. That is ridiculous and I shan't do it again regardless. Why can't those who take umbrage be told to grow up and deal with life? That should make the mods job lots easier.


New member
Hear hear, EL......I come over to look at photos once in a while...but that's all anymore. NN was a valuable resource to me when I first started with newfs and I wasn't afraid to ask questions. I didn't always like the answers....but big deal! Now when I have serious questions, I talk on FB where the no nonsense people went and if I get smacked a little for being a..word I'm not allowed to use here...so be it. Sometimes a wake up call is needed. The way I look at it...or used to...if you ask for advice, take it all in, use what you want and throw the rest out. There's no need to get your panties in a wad and cry if your feelings are hurt. Man up.


New member
I have to say that today I came to NN for help and found a load of information that helped me immensely. The PC part does bother me. I think the Mods are trying to manage a vast herd of people who are tired of some things (after being here forever) and who like to stir the pot (because they are new). Now it's hard for us to walk the fine line of PC, which I never have been very good at, but it's priceless to me to have the past years of knowledge and information, and I have the experience on NN to know who to listen to and who to ignore. I will stay on NN and check out FB.
Things have been sacchrine in the basement since religion and politics were outlawed. Now they will be so in the dog threads and it will be difficult to distinguish who has real knowledge and who is blowing hot air without hard rebuttals to postings. Like Leska I love the ability to search but if the answers are not subject to peer review what good is it? We get to look at pretty pictures of lovely dogs and commiserate if animals or people are sick, celebrate if things are good, but get no knowledge we can count out or even see different viewpoints to help us evaluate the worth thereof. I found myself caveating a perfectly innocuous post in case someone took umbrage and I wasn't PC enough. That is ridiculous and I shan't do it again regardless. Why can't those who take umbrage be told to grow up and deal with life? That should make the mods job lots easier.


New member
I, too, have been limiting my time here after the rules of an entire folder were changed because a few ignored the warning of having a "tough skin" and complained.

Disillusioned? Very.

If you want to deal with trolls, fine. The Mods do a great job and rules are needed. But when those rules become stifling and counterproductive, it's time to revisit them.

I like to take my medicine without sugar and the truth without bubble wrap, even if I don't agree with it.

In the end the decision is GAD's. His house, his rules. But...

The door swings both ways.


Active member
Don't go to the darkside (FB)...I refuse to go there. I.....as a newbie who doesn't know how to keep my toes clean, I haven't gotten to know you yet.

I LOVE, just love the fun and fuzzy stuff maybe cause I'm old and crankey but I also know that reality is another story and sometimes those roads require a fight. The last one startled me and I'm still unsure of what happened but in my reality you have 5 newfs and all the info you share to me is important, I am on here for everything I can absorb and learn....isn't that what life is about?

Please reconsider your action for those that may learn, if not for me then do it for the Newfs....my newfs, rescue newfs and newfs of the world that may need you. (really how can you say no to that) Look even my special Queen Myra is asking why does it have to be like this?

Ok, maybe I've gone overboard a bit but still I think you get my meaning!


New member
I have been a NN member for 4 years. I don't think I would have survived my first newf, let alone gotten a second one, if it had not been for this forum. The ones who have been reprimanded and called mean and bullies are the ones who gave me sage advice on health and behavior issues. They told me what to look for and what to ask a vet. They have eased my fears and made me laugh out loud.

Have I been scolded or maybe scoffed at because of something I said or asked? YES. I DID ask for advice and opinions, afterall. And I got them. No words hashed or minced...was even told "enough is enough" and "you've let it go on long enough."

I don't want these people mincing their words or being warm and fuzzy when I'm asking for input. I want honesty.

The acceptance of trolls by moderators has put an end to me asking for or offering advice on this forum. It's not worth it. How can we take sage advice when the experts are leaving or don't want to be called a meany?

Now, I ask those in the know on FB. Seriously...we all know who the experts are on here. They are the ones who have surrounded themselves with newfs for years. Have you warm and fuzzy people noticed they don't comment anymore?

Ugh...I'm disgusted.

You all have adorable newfs. The pictures are darling, but honestly, it's dry and no fun here anymore.

And I'm sad. Debra, I'll see you in other darn places where you can say what you feel and get us laughing again!
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