Why today?


New member
Just saw this Olga. I will say a prayers and hope all will be well. I know you will keep us posted. So sorry this happened..


New member
Oh, no, I hate to hear Byron is not doing better. Glad you are going to your vet. Keeping you and Byron in our thoughts and prayers.


New member
OMG, so sorry to hear about Byron. When Kodi side-stepped off our grooming table, he seemed fine until that night. He couldn't lift his head up without yelping terribly. We took him to the vet and he was given a pain injection and sent home with Rimadyl. His diagnoses was a muscle sprain of his neck. It took a couple of days before he was getting up pain free. I'm sure Byron will be fine in a couple of days. Keep us posted!


New member
Oh no Olga I just saw this...please keep us updated I'm so worried for you! I'm praying for Byron that it IS just a muscle sprain...

Bob M

New member
All I can do from this distance is send my thoughts and best wishes, but believe me, we are all wishing Byron the best.


New member
Thank you so much guys. Our vet sent us to the specialists. He is having an MRI tomorrow, but they are keeping him there overnight so that they can manage his pain better. Probably IV or SubQ Morphine or other opioids they said. How did this happen???
They say it coulb be neurological (pinched nerve or a disc bulge), but also on the list, though low is meningitis. His temp is 103.6, and he hurts the worse when he looks down, and while trying to get up from laying down, though he did walk to my car and to the vets office.
I am just recking my brain as to what could have happened. All the vets (4 in the past 24 hours) said that even if the stupid candle did fall on him, it could not have hurt him that bad, and with all he has gotten, he should have become better, and he did not. She also said meningitis is unlikely b/c he would have gotten better with prednisone. I wish they could have fitted him for MRI today. Looks like another sleepless night for me.
Its so lonely here, I just want him back and home, and OK.

Pam G

New member
I'm just now seeing this and I am so sorry for Bryon. I hope your vet can figure out what is causing the pain. Poor baby. Hugs to both of you and please keep us posted.
Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for your sweet boy.

Henrys Mom

New member

I just saw this. I am so sorry for Byron. I am glad he is at the doctors and they are doing everything possible for him. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Sending prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery.


New member
Positive thoughts on their way that they can figure out what is going on with your boy and get him on the road to recovery soon.


New member
Thank you. Its empty here without him, and the pug is mopping around - she has nobody to terrozise, and take away the toys from, so she is not playing with them.
Hopefully the MRI will be read as soon as it is done.


New member
Hi Olga, Long Island Vet Specialists are on Cantiague Rock Rd, right? If this is the place, then they are super. Are you allowed to stay overnight there? I think they will sedate him all night though. The vets are really great and the ones my brother has used for his Bernese were awsome, really knowledgeable. I'm sure they have him sleeping comfortably for now and through the MRI tomorrow. Is 103.5 high for a dog? I don't know their normal temp.


New member
Just heard back from the office, but not the dr herself. They said that he is comfortable, and even ate lunch (now why is it that he eats at the vets, the neighbors, the inlaws, but not in my house? Obviously I am doing something wrong). When I asked how he is doing, the nurse said:"He is ridiculously handsome!!" Not the answer I was looking for, but I have no choice but to agree with her.
They said that he is laying on a blankee in his kennel, but she did not know if he was in pain when getting up ( I was hoping for more of an update on that). I cant visit him tomorrow, and they said he will probably be asleep most of the day anyway. They have him on Tramadol which is listed in the same class as tylenol, and is an opiate derivative. Hope he is pain free. Now that I am writing this I am getting upset: she called me with an update, but didnt know if he is in pain?? I am calling her back.
Oh, another little twinch of doubt (why is it my nature to doubt everything?): wondering why they are going straight to MRI without Xrays? They said they think its neurological, and Xray only shows bone so I guess its justified, but Xrays could be very valuable, and could probably be done without anesthesia (he would probably lay still for them). I just dont want to subject him to stress of anesthesia if it not necessary. But they are doing a spinal tap on him also, and they said they would have to anesthesize him for that anyhow. God, I am so worried.
Allison, normal temp is up to 102.5, so his is considered elevated.
Again, thank you so much for all your support - it really helps me to reread all of your messages. I dont know what I would do if I did not have this board to lean on. Thank you