Update on my foster - What a lucky boy!


New member
For various reasons I returned my foster. Mainly due to his peeing inside and that I was not going to be home much in the last week to care for him. And.... I am a guest here and I cant risk loosing my place due to his peeing, which is why I fostered rather than adopting.

Now here is the rest of the story!

I was to be out of the house this past week a few days and didnt have a way to return him during the hours the kennel was open so I called my ex to see if she would do it for be. She said she would be happy to.

So, I tell her he is a very good boy and that he will come to the leash right away because he knows he is going somewhere and he loves to go with you. I tell her he is very well behaved but he will be excited for a little bit when she gets there. Oh and that he is just a big lover boy and told her of all the Newf qualities he has - leaning on you, standing between, stays close to you, etc.

So she picks him up and rides in the back seat with him and calls me. she said - OMG he is just like Indy! He is SOOO sweet where did you find him? So I give the whole story. She gets to the kennel where he is to be dropped off and there was a guy from the rescue organization that just happened to be there and they talk a few minutes. As she is leaving she broke into tears - she didnt want to leave him, she had fallen in love with him on the ten minute drive to the kennel! Easy to do!

She walked out to the car and the guy from the rescue came out and asked if she was ok and she said no - I want that dog! So he told he who to call. She then called me back and asked about his pee problem. After talking a bit about it I said = you know it might just be that he does not know how to signal since its up one flight to the door and he just learned to do stairs while I had him. He does not back at ALL and I recalled him pawing at the door to go back in and just the night before he made it up the stairs and pawed at the door to go out! So maybe he does not have a pee problem, could be just where is is living.

So she decided to foster him for a while and see how it works out! She picked him up Yesterday and I will talk to her today to get an update. I am sooo happy for him and her and my kids. We always had a dog and it has been an odd year without one in the family so I am very happy for all of them!


New member
Oh how I hope for a perfect ending to the foster, and the family. Hugs all the way around that situation!! :) ina n HB n Kesa


New member
I was over there yesterday and saw Springsteen. He is doing very well and no accidents! My 16 yr old - whos room is just off the family room said Springsteen snored so loud the other night that he woke him up! Of course he was sleeping on the sofa so maybe the added comfort put him in a deeper sleep!

My son went out and slept on the sofa to keep him company.


New member
That is such a neat story. Looks like it may work out great for everyone. Gave me a real lift in spirits reading this. Thanks for sharing!