The kindness of strangers


New member
Lately, it seems like we've seen some pretty rotten things that people have done.....but yesterday, I was reminded that there are some people that are truly good.

A fire started in my neighbor's storage quickly spread to my privacy fence, up a tree, and then my shed. A random person driving on a main road a block away saw smoke and headed for it. He could hear sirens coming so he knew the FD was on the way...but he continued to the blaze. He saw the fire between the houses and several people trying to douse the flames.....he heard my newfs barking, went to my front door and banged on it, screaming "fire!" My daughter and grandaughter were napping, woke up, and raced out to safety. This stranger and his wife leashed all three newfs, got them into the back of his pickup truck, where he just happened to have a cooler full of melting ice. He saw my Easy Up tent, grabbed it and set it up over the bed of his truck to keep my babies in the shade. He stayed there with my dogs until I got home after getting that awful call while at work.

Dogs were fine, daughter and GD were fine, House is mostly broken window from the heat and some paint peeling, charred roof corner.

There are still some good people out there and this is the second time a random act of kindness from a stranger has saved my dogs.


New member
Wow! That man and his wife deserve a medal and a cake! My goodness! Very, very touching and beautiful...and I am so sorry to hear about your loss of property but thankful that it wasn't more than your fence, tree, window, shed, paint and roof. Infinity hugs coming your way!


Active member
There is far more good than bad in the world. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that. :hugs: to you all.


New member
Oh wow. I'm so sorry your house/property received some damage, but how wonderful that some strangers were there to help our your Newfs and family. Wow!


New member
So sorry for the scare and the damage, but what wonderful people! They had to be dog people, some people just know what to do. I'm glad everyone is safe.


Active member
nice to hear a good story for a change, glad everyone is ok and damage is minimal. I sure wouldn't have wanted that call so hopefully you are feeling ok as I'm sure I would have been in major panic mode on receiving it.


Active member
Stuff is Stuff, But ~Life~ is what's important. All were saved, thank the Lord!
Let me know what I can do to help recoop your loses.


New member
That angel man and his wife thought quickly on their feet and acted with fast common sense and can-do to take care of your 3 Newfies. Totally wonderful story. Glad you & fam are OK. The Lord certainly was watching out for you!


Active member
Thanks for sharing that wonderful story. I needed to hear something positive today. I'm so glad everyone was OK.

luvxl k 9

New member
Thank GOD Sheila!!! How scary, I'm thinking there's a couple of people who deserve to be taken out to a steak dinner!!! And if it's an outside restaurant that also allows dogs, even better!!! Your guardian angels came in human form this time! ;)


New member
Wow! Thank goodness for guardian angels! I hate to think what could have happened if the fire trucks had taken a little longer and the man and woman hadn't been there to help wake up your daughter!


New member
what an amazing story, but it is surely a payback for all the goodness you have brought to others.Glad everything is OK