Tell me I am crazy..

Sandra McGinty

New member
I emailed someone on craiglist who posted an 8 month black and white New Foundland (that's how they spelled it) female. She is bigger than they were expecting and want to find her a new home.

I'm crazy, right? but I found both Montana and Yogi on craigslist and could not turn away without inquiring about her. I recieved a reply -- simply said " Call me (than the phone number)"

I don't know if I'm ready for an 8 month old newfie... plus a female... I've always been a boy dog person. what am I getting myself into? I read the stories here about your young-uns and craziness as they get older. Now I'm scared.. but excited too.



New member
You're not crazy... you're AWESOME! If it doesn't work at least you've gotten her out of what must be an awful situation, and if it doesn't work, I'm sure we can find her a new home!


New member
If you're crazy, then we are all probably crazy. Good luck, I hope that things work out for you. Keep us updated! :D


New member
Did something similar myself. Person in a parking lot saw Gracie and said he was moving into a new house and the person leaving was trying to get rid of his Newf named "Shrek." (no comment.:crazy:.). Said he couldn't take the dog with him. I immediately went to the house, no one there but the moving truck was. I left a note saying to call me, but he never did. All the way home I was telling myself, "Anne, you are totally whacko!" Sure hope he found someone to take poor Shrek.


New member
You're definitely not crazy! Good luck! Think about it this way...if you don't take her, God only knows who will. At least this way, you can be certain that this poor girl we be safe, well cared for and not be at risk for being re-homed again!

Yes, pups are difficult, but at 8 months, she's already come out of what I think is the worst part of puppyhood...teething!

Bailey Boy

New member
Did you call? I think I would and see about getting her just to make sure she finds a good home and doesn't end up in a byb's hands. I would baby sit for you ;)


New member
Sandy. You are not crazy. You are wonderful. It sounds like this baby needs you. And maybe you need her, although you might not know it yet.


Active member
Keep us posted. I got my Morgan this way - on a whim. Ran into a lady walking a Newf, and she said to me "I called rescue on him" and I butted in "I will take him!!" Three days later he was mine, while I was still thinking "What did I do??"

She dropped him off and he never looked back at her when she left. That night he slept with his head on my chest gazing at me every once in awhile. Greatest dog in the world. RIP, Morgan!!


New member
if was me I would at least check it out and go see her. Like someone said you would be helping get her out of a bad situation, and then decide what to do later. But you might fall sooooo in love with her that she will fit right in. What's one more.


New member
Perfect! (And NOT CRAZY) Montana will have a playmate! Girl Newfs are fun. Yes, they can be a bit stubborn, bossy and opinionated but they're also hysterically theatrical.

Sandra McGinty

New member
I called and left a message -- no response yet, but I called at 1pm today.

I am hoping to be able to go see her this weekend, and I will keep you all updated as I get more info. I have no idea if she's spayed, utd on shots, or if she is a Landseer, or a black newf with the white on the chest. geesh -- they couldn't spell Newfoundland correctly so when they wrote that she was a black and white, I don't know what to think.

thank you all for your helpful input. and yes, if she ends up for some reason too much for me (financially) than at least I know there are so many here on NN that can help me find her a newfie home. I was so fortunate with Tana and Yogi -- I hope Montana will like being a Big Brother....


New member
I'm a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason."

No, you're not crazy....or if you are, you certainly are in "good" company for it!


New member
If you're crazy, you're certainly in the right place here. All four of our current dogs were through some sort of impulse - all good. And, girl dogs are great.


New member
If you are crazy than so are the rest of us and it's the best kind of craziness, saving an animal. Go for it, girl dogs are easy in my view.