Sunshine - 6/15/2000 - 11/22/2011


Active member
We said good-bye to Sunshine on Tuesday. I cooked her favorite pork chops and gravy and we sat with her feeding her pieces of pork chop. Her eyes were huge, she was in ecstasy, swallowing them down faster then I could give them to her. Then she had chocolate ice cream. She was so excited, she kept trying to eat the carton. When she was done, she had ice cream in her floof, on her paws and all over her muzzle. She looked a sight. Both of our vets came to the house at 7pm. Sunny was so happy. She was surrounded by all of her favorite people and everyone was there to see her! We shared our favorite Sunny stories. Dr. Norman remembered meeting her for the first time and how tiny her woo woo was:) Lucy, Chris(my ex) and I took turns whispering to her, getting our faces washed and rubbing that soft head. When it was my turn, I buried my face in her neck, a place more familiar to me than anything, the place I had cried many tears as Sunny comforted me. My hands were gripping her fur and I was shaking so hard I could not speak. I choked out my last words to her. "Thank you for loving me so". Her breathing slowed and she laid her head down on my lap, licked my hand and was gone.

This week of Thanksgiving, I am grateful that I was blessed with such a special girl and I am grateful that she is no longer in pain, no longer dependent on me to be her legs, no longer tired. Sunshine or SunnyD (Delight) as we affectionately called her, was one of the best friends one could hope for. She came into my life right when I found out that I could not have anymore children. Sunny stepped into that role and became my second kid. She was larger than life, never met a person she did not like and never let anyone get away without her special kisses. She had greetings for her favorite people. If you got a woo woo, you were in.What I wouldn't give to hear it one more time. Now my house is achingly quiet and my heart is in pieces. I brought her ashes home tonight and that brought a small measure of comfort. Now, she is again with me. Now, she is home.

R Taft

Active member
That was such a lovely farewell it made me cry :cry:.....I know what you are going through and you gave Sunshine the best and most heroic gift of all.
I cannot make this easier for you and I can only tell you that you will miss her forever. But I do know that the day will come when instead of crying you will smile when you think of her. you will always have her memory and she will be in your heart forever.
A beautiful Angel for Rainbow Bridge, run free SunnyD....I know she will be greeted by my Angels and all the others...........I am so very sorry for your loss :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Ronnie


Active member
Reading that I can feel how much you loved her. I am very sorry for your loss. Remember that she will always be in your heart. Rest well sweet girl.


New member
Oh Tricia, I'm so sorry. Your beautiful tribute for your girl moved me to tears. She was a very special girl and I pray all those memories you have of her will bring you comfort and peace.


New member
Sunny was such a special part of your life and family. She will continue on in your hearts forever. We are so sorry for the pain her loss has brought you. ((HUGS))

Godspeed, sweet Sunshine.

Jeff in Ottawa

New member
Tricia, I'm so sorry for your loss. There's no doubt that you were lucky to have Sunny in your life and she was lucky to have as loving and wonderful an owner as you.

Bella and Gabe

New member
I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed lovely Sunshine! Tricia, your tribute to her was filled with the love you and she shared. She was a lucky to have you as you were to have her. HUGS!