Positive thoughts for Wookie please

Faith Olsen

New member
im a bit worried about Wookie... My baby is limping on his front paw... there is no pain (ie he is not wimpering... even if you feel around)
Off to the vets tomorrow if its not better after being kept still tonight


New member
Hey Faith,

I just went through the exact same thing with my Bria. She was just slightly limping and not totally using it. She was also licking her pad constantly. I checked to see if a nail was chipped and nothing. I could feel around and she didn't flinch. I later noticed (after she stopped licking for a while and it had dried) that the pad was red. I think she may have scraped it. There was so blood though. I used Tea Tree Oil for a few days and now she's right as rain as they say.

Good luck I'm sure it's nothing more than a cracked nail.



New member
How old is Wookie again?? (Seems like just yesterday he was the cutest pup ever.) Anyway, a lot of Newfs limp when they are growing. I believe it's called pano and is sometimes referred to as growing pains. I'm sure the pros will chime in but as always the best bet is the vet. Dr. Bill just said the other day that dogs are no different to us and can just as easily twist or sprain something. Keep us posted..:hugs:


New member
Pawsative thoughts to the Wookster!!!! from Luci, Ricky, Oreo, Ethel, and Elise the Mini-Newf!
Thoughts and prayers with Wookie.

Emma had this happen a couple times this year, once her skin was inflamed between the pads, and lastly it was a broken nail, she's finally doing better....now that her Mama knows what the heck she's looking for!

I hope Wookie is doing better!


New member
I hope your Wookie is fine and all goes well at the vet. Once I found a mass of matted fur on Orion's paw, it was wedged between his little pads and the big (palm) pad. He had been to the groomer and managed to collect tiny shreds of hair from walking around the floor. She had not trimmed the underside of his feet, so didn't know he was collecting bits there. When I got to it, it was hard as a rock, I actually thought he had a stone lodged in there, and had to carefully trim it out with nail clippers. Orion has very ticklish feet, so this must have hurt quite a bit. So hopefully it will be something silly like that. If it's pano (if he's under 18 months old it very well could be) 1000 mg of vitamin C will help (daily) and takes about two weeks before he'd be pain-free. He'd need the C until about 18 months, when his rapid growth spurt is over.


New member
We had the same problem with Husker at one time. Murphy mentioned earlier that it was growing pains, and that was right on the money where Husker was concerned. I think Husker and Wookie are about the same age if I'm not mistaken. At any rate, we wish Wookie a quick recovery. It's so hard to watch them when they aren't 100%.


New member
good thoughts for Wookie.

last winter Hannah (my non newf but she's very webfooted) started walking on three legs. totally ignoring one paw.

we never knew what causes it.
we did ice it and give her pain killers.
we prepared for the worst (having a 3 legged dog)

to this day i do not know what caused it. the vet said she probably bruised it on the ice...


New member
Good thoughts from here also. Often..when I find HB tending to a paw..it is the ball of fur/mud/twig-bits etc. that have wedged up into an area of the paw. I use the manicure scissors..and it clears up just fine. When I pull out the scissors..I let her look at..and sniff them. When I am trimming/removing the mat..I also let her 'check it over'..so she can keep track of the cause and effect..routine. ina n HB n Kesa