Newf in Title Nine catalogue


New member
He looks like a flat coated retriever, or maybe a young Newf. I'm just happy you found him and he could be a Newf!!!!


New member
Yup, looks like a newf to me, see how he isn't quite all wet? ROFL! I love Title Nine Sports, but I chucked my catalog without looking because I'll get anotehr when the weather is more conducive to wearing summer clothes (and wanting to buy them!).


New member
I usually check out the catalogue and had not noticed this. Will look closer the next time.

I like title nine clothes, but my big beef is that their size xl is about a 14! What's up with that?



New member
Since we need those fancy clothes to bathe your Newf, I had to order a catalog for Judy. Heaven forbid, we should be "out of uniform."


New member
Cute pic, and I do think we all need that outfit for Newf washing - Title Nine sells lots of cute, quick-drying clothes. ;)


New member
I was making a comment about the picture just last weekend with my daughter. I thought he looked more like a black retreiver. My daughter's comment was. "Who in their right mind would wash a black dog in a white miniskirt that costs so much money. what an idiot" Lily


New member
Cimorene needs lots and lots of baths since she get so dirty romping in the yard...can someone help me out with purchasing all of the clothes I will need from that catalog??