Ne Newfie Attire


Active member
I found some contact email address on the NCA website and sent a few emails. He claims that he sent a box for them to review at their November meeting, so I asked if it was true. Regardless, I asked them to please take action and explain to him what makes this such a bad idea. Maybe if he hears it from them he'll take the thing off his poor dog.


New member
He wants to increase the "market share" of Newfoundland dogs?! Right there, he is barking up the wrong tree. Clearly he never read the great article on the Nca site about whether a newf was right for him.

I say rescue or the breeder should re-claim the dog and then we make the guy wear a wrestling mask everywhere for the next 6 months to a year.

Or as jen says he could be shot. :)
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New member
What a lack of judgment

Plus what kid minds a little drool from their newfy brother or sister?? I've never heard my kids complain. They just love the kisses!


Active member
I already heard back from the NCA and my email is being sent to the Board of Directors. I urge others to do the same - I found the email address under the "Contact" section of the NCA website.


New member
Unbelievable. This makes me so angry with the owner and so very sad for the sweet Newfie that just happened to find the wrong home. Going to sign the petition now...


That just makes me so mad....glad to see others are feel the same way and are letting that guy know what we think of his contraptions. Not only is it not okay on our dogs....but no dog deserves that treatment.


New member
I wonder, if he got the dog from a breeder, if s/he has seen this. I am guessing it's in violation of any contract (abusive / neglectful / harmful treatment) .

I suspect he actually adopted this poor Newf. In his blog, he states that he's only had him for 6 months. Moose appears to be at least 1-2 years old.

Jager's Mom

New member
Ummm, can you say NO!

Unfortunately, he may have had good intentions...but didn't end up with a good result. I hope he learns from the feedback he's "asking" for...and stops making and selling these slobber stoppers. Very BAD idea.


New member
I suspect he actually adopted this poor Newf. In his blog, he states that he's only had him for 6 months. Moose appears to be at least 1-2 years old.
I must have missed that. Awful. Still though... I wonder where he originally came from? Most breeders have a return clause do they not? That's how I ended up with my Tonka at 10 months, because the original owner broke her pelvis and returned him to the breeder because she couldn't care for him anymore. I thought that was pretty standard. I wonder if the breeder is even aware of this new ownership or if it was some kind of Craigslist special. :(


New member
I did see him retort somewhere on his Facebook page that he "wouldn't be abusing his $2,000 dog" though. One would think that some research on the breed would be done before spending thousands on a dog... If he really actually paid that.
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New member
looks like an honest attempt to get feedback from newf owners. If this guy was a criminal he would not ask for help. Thats all im saying. He is giving away product free to get honest feedback to make it better. My family wants a better spit management tool. The bib does not work. I read his email and i feel his honesty


New member
looks like an honest attempt to get feedback from newf owners. If this guy was a criminal he would not ask for help. Thats all im saying. He is giving away product free to get honest feedback to make it better. My family wants a better spit management tool. The bib does not work. I read his email and i feel his honesty

You know we know who you are, right? You're profile says you have a 2 year old Newf named Moose. Coincidence? I think not. Haven't you taken enough of a beating from my fellow responsible, intelligent, caring Newf owners? No one will ever "feel" your honesty or think you're product is anything less than abusive. Now shoo.