Just wondering...


New member
Anyone else have trouble getting a family photo???:darn: We tried one tonight...the ten second delay on the camera is not enough! Here's a couple of pics of our gang and Tonic being crazy at 7 1/2 months.

not even close...


best we can do! Tonic still won't look at that camera! (notice the death-grip I have on him:nono:

Ton-Ton man and Andy

The spot under Ton's eye is from a lab that was "friendly"... but it's healing up nicely

Sorry about the quality of the pics. He's always full throttle or dead asleep!



New member
Bwahahahahaha! Oh I think it's a fantastic family portrait. I hate those stiff formal family pictures that make you all look like cardboard cutouts - this is fabulous! It'll help you remember what he was REALLY like 9 years from now when he's asleep on your feet and you have to coax him to go out for walkies...


New member
With THAT tongue he could PASS for Pooka :lol:
Much better this picture than the cardboard cutout look ;)
And is that a plastic bottle in his mouth? They were Tug's FAVORATE toy till he started shredding them :nono:

Beautiful family!


New member
The sequence is hysterical! Tonic is just flailing himself in every one to relieve himself of your death grip!


New member
I love it! I am still giggling...

It reminds me of last fall when I had a great idea to hire a professional photographer to come and photograph us outside with the fall scenery. Gabe, was a perfect angel (of course...) but Murphy....oh my Murphy....I think out of the 200 or so shots she took we got maybe one where he was sitting still and actually looking at the camera. You know, some of my favorites are the ones with "Psycho Spazzy Murph"! You will enjoy them later on...

Beautiful family you guys have! And your boy does look a lot like Pooka!!!


New member
Great pictures! We used to take a Christmas card picture with the kids and the dogs. One of the kids always had to use the "death grip" on one of the dogs!


New member
Those are great!!!! Everybody looks like they are having fun especially Tonic! He's one pretty boy who looks like he is full of it!!!:!rolling:


New member
Thanks everybody! I know we'll look back at these in ten years and laugh (it's hard not to laugh now!)

Hey Pooka! Tonic said he would love to be just like you (minus the alien part)!

Hey Tug! Tell Mommy to give you 2 liter bottles again! They're so much fun!


Active member
Oh these are hilarious! Ha! My Bartman loves plastic bottles too! Katie love your hair cut, that is sharp.