Hope's Updated Pictures


New member
Here are some pictures of Hope. She is doing great. I now feed her 3 bigger meals everday. I also started taking her to the vet for her weigh in every 2 weeks because she is gaining nicely. It's hard to tell from the pictures but she's still boney. The vet said she looks great. She goes Sept. 22 to get spayed and have her lump removed. She fits in with the rest of my pack and she's my shadow. She even sleeps in my bedroom. He r tail never stops wagging. She is such a happy girl and I love her.

The white mark you see is her lump.



New member
Wow, Hope looks like a different dog entirely. No wonder she's so attached to you, she's in pup heaven. Prayers that her spay and removal of her lesion goes well.


New member
She's looking so much better! Thanks for posting. I was just thinking earlier today about how it would be nice to have another photo update of Hope.


New member
She looks great to me. When I trim Echo down and then give her a bath, she looks like she's very thin, too, but the vet likes her like that. Keep us posted.


New member
She is really looking great and she does always look happy, that is TERRIFIC!!! Keep up the great work!


New member
She looks wonderful! Thank you for bringing her back to what she should have always been and for loving her!


New member
Hope is looking wonderful. Keep up the good work! You are her angel.
I'm getting tears just looking at how far she's come. Simply wonderful


New member
She looks GREAT! You are doing such a good job with her. Hope will always be so special :)


New member
She still is slim, but she doesn't have that gaunt/starving look any more. She's filling in nicely! Good job! So nice to hear how well she is doing in your tender care. Keep updating, please.


New member
yay!!!! thank you for my Hope fix....yahooooooo aint she just beautiful.....great job!!!:hugs::alc::new_smilie_colors1::heart:


New member
She's looking so much better! Yeah, she's still skinny, but... That, too, shall PASS!!!!
Thank you, again, for taking such good care of her!