GAD is a MAN!!

Mrs Beblo

New member
~ I've known that for years and it *really* just sunk in for me.
All the way to my soul.
You see, I was (am) trying to clean. As I wipe floogs off of my walls, I say "HA!" to that man at the paint store that looked at me like a man looks at a woman when he thinks that she's crazy (and CLEARLY the woman has already formulated a plan that NO MAN is going to foil for her).
I wanted "Super Gloss" Paint. I wasn't kidding. I thought that I had spoken clearly, but the MAN said "Lady, you can't use this for an interior job." HA! I say to him! HA!
It's my house, I'll paint it how I'd like! (Mr B was at work when I repainted the living room...:uhoh2: he was a 'little' unhappy...) I wash these walls & I'll paint them how I want them (Don't MAKE me bring my dog in here...) I got the paint I wanted and now the walls are actually easier to clean than the floors!
Anyway, as I'm cleaning my way through the house, I see the ever present floog, only this one is dried on one of the brass drawer pulls on Mr B's dresser.
Guess what?? It now needs to be polished, and I don't even that will take out the dark line of leftover Buford 'juice'.
That's when GAD popped into my head. There is NO section on here for Helpful Household Tips!
Those of you that have years of experience probably think nothing of the daily "tips" that you've discovered. You probably think that it's so obvious that surely EVERYONE could think of THAT, but you'd be wrong!
Please Share!
Seeing as this is an election day, I say that we take a vote.
Anyone besides ME want a Helpful Hints section???
I'll go first. If you spray Scrubbing Bubbles under their water bowls before you mop the floor, it's alot easier to get the slime up.
Next.............. xoxo Mrs B
PS: I Love Ya, GAD, but....Oh, just ask Lauren.


New member
I think that section is a great idea!

Re: water bowls.. I have boot mats under the water bowls. AND they are black. Can't see the hair and slime until you take them in the shower to wash them. Then.. look out! :eek:

I vote for a new Household/helpful hint section!



Active member
definetly a good idea, if you rub a potato or washing up liquid on your glass's then leave to dry your newf cant steam up your glasses when he comes and breath's all over you


New member
Great idea! And Mrs. B, I also painted my hallway, kitchen, and parlor walls in gloss paint (to the Hubber's utter dismay when he came home and found them). The goobers wash right off with a spritz of windex. When I go to repaint someday, I'll probably just replace the wallboards, or hire someone to sand the gloss. Hahaha! Shall we do our ceilings next???


New member
I'm 100% behind a Household Hints section! My tip is sort of obvious - always carry a rag in a back pocket to catch floogers on walls, windows and floors before they dry. A lot easier to clean up that way and they don't leave that awful flooger stain on the paint!

A second hint - use a glossy Venetian Plaster finish on walls. It looks AMAZING, and even if a flooger stains it, it usually looks like it is part of the pattern! Venetian Plaster can be very rough and unfinished looking, or it can be highly polished and glossy - it's fantastic stuff. Evidently it's a DIY project that requires some practice...but it's totally possible.


New member
When I was a child my mother enameled our kitchen ceiling for just that reason (cleanability). Most thought she was nuts but it helped tremendously. I vote for Household Hints

luvxl k 9

New member
The first one is one most on here already know but Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser really works like magic. Not only gets those pesky dried floogers off your painted walls, but also works on crayon (took it off of wallpaper without hurting the paper!!)
My second one comes to us from Mickey in Florida. You just take a rubbermaid storage container of whatever size fits your household, cut 2 holes in the top just smaller than your bowls. All the water they slop out or drool before leaving the waterer runs down under the bowls and into the container.


New member
Based on the strength of the scrubbing bubbles tip alone, I vote YEA too!
And Mrs. B, I love your attitude! You da WOMAN!! :lol:


New member
I am WAYYYY for this! I use so many Mr. Cleaner Magic Eraser that I should buy stock in that company. One more tip: go to Goodwill or someplace with old, used towels. Buy a dozen and drop them strategically around the house. Never have a slobber dobber rag out of reach!


New member
I vote YES for this too!

My tip:

Don't leave the cute little heart shaped bowl you bought for your puppy on the floor and forget about it, or you will step on it, slide across the kitchen, and fracture your wrist. Immediately go buy a boot mat to put under bowls, and throw away the stupid bowl that was always too small anyway. :icon_redface:


New member
I think that adding a Helpful Hints sections is a great idea!!

We use a black boot tray with 3 inch high sides under Gitche's bowls. It keeps almost everything inside and works great. Cleans up pretty easily also.


New member
Always wash your dog towels/rags together and DO NOT use fabric softener!
Use vinegar and / or baking soda.
Fabric softener coats the fibres and they don't pick up or absorb half as good.


New member
Go get cheap blankets (WalMart has them for $5 Twin size) and put down on floors, over carpets, etc. during wet days. They help a lot to keep the place clean! Then just toss in the washer. Cheaper and easier to clean than rugs.


New member
I keep a large beach towel by the door on rainy days and throw it over the dog (keeping their eyes uncovered) as they walk in. Then I use it to wipe them off.

And another yes for the "Helpful Household Hints" section!