Chelsea Plaque Delivery


New member
Trying Wall Street Journal for award ceremony report

The WSJ has been my favorite newspaper since high school and readers know they do human interest stories from time to time I have contacted them with the following:

In November a Newfoundland dog was lost in Western Kentucky. The loss was posted on Newf Net a world wide group of Newfoundland lovers. We became immersed in Chelsea’s story. After days of agonizing Chelsea was found. Here is the posting from Newf-Net about that.

Great News we found Chelsea. This morning around 11:00 two deer hunters found her in a cow pond that was drying up from the drought where she had become stuck in the that muddy slilt. It took those two kind men and a truck to get her out. They found me and I met them at the vet hospital. She was extremely dehydrated and fluids were started immediately. She had to be shaved to find that her whole body was covered in sores and had maggots all over her. She has holes on either side of her lips and is still at the vets tonight with fluids running. She cannot walk on her own but is trying. We have to hold her in a sling and she moves that way. The thing now is to make sure her kidneys are going to function. I will go back to vet in the morning and hopefully all will be well. She was drinking and eating a little when I left. When they pulled up to the vet I was waiting on her and when I opened the doore and called her name she started whinning. She has really been through a lot the past 6 days and I pray God continues to bless us with her full recovery. I cannot thank everyone enough for the outpouring of care and concern and the prayers. I walked our horse pasture last night crying and praying that God would bring her home. He did. She ended up being about a mile from us from the road and about 300 or more acres from us off the road. She had to have heard me yelling for her. I will forward pictures of her ordeal and let you now how things are going. Again thank you so much. Pennie

Unfortunately Chelsea was too injured to survive. Her death prompted the world-wide group of Newf-Netters to create an occasional humanitarian award for those who go to extreme measures as these hunters did to try and rescue an animal. The first Chelsea award is to be presented to the two hunters on Dec 14th by the Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky.

As a long time reader I know you sometimes publish human interest stories. Notice in the Wall Street Journal would make a wonderful contribution to the cause of those who love and work for animals. Frankly, I think it would make a wonderful front page story for you. The world-wide interest of a group of dog lovers, the willingness to make financial contributions to support this award in a time of economic downturn and most of all the kindness, care and hard work undertaken by HUNTERS to save an animal is more than worthy of front page consideration. Please consider having a reporter there to write this story for the world to see. It’s time we saw a little good news, and while this outcome was sad beyond belief for Chelsea, her family and those of us who came to feel we too knew her, the emotions within the story are wonderful news. Worldwide, people came to care about Chelsea, to try and help her and her family and most of all those hunters did what was right and kind and good. True heroes.

Emmie Lou Tucker
5852 Parsons Rd.
Milton, Fl. 32570

Owner of 1 Newf, 3 Labs, 2 Rhodesian Ridgebacks, 2 Pit Bull mixes, 1 Keeshond and an assorted 4 others.

KS Newf

New member
Tears here, too, but such a warm feeling because of this fine effort. Thank you and you are right as rain about all the reasons there are for publishing this!!!


New member
I've put a plea, complete with a full description and pictures of Chelsea's ordeal, into a very upscale dog facility. They said I'd hear back no later than Saturday. Problem was, I kept choking up while talking to them. I'm glad I followed up with written word and photos.


New member
Ward, if you can contact the Journal too. I used which is supposed to be the editorial board contact and sent the message above. Anyone else who would like to chime in, please do. Maybe many requests would help our cause, especially subscribers.


New member
Wow, that's just way too cool! Wish we lived closer to attend!

Ginny, send little Addie back to live with her 4 footed mama for awhile!

Little Addie's mama Siren is the one that taught Gigi how to carry her "school" and "show" bags. Sort of a monkey see, monkey do thing! :goofy:


New member
Actually, I think Addy may be my best shot. I'm just so covered up, as they say here in KY, with swim team and arrangements, I haven't had a free moment.


New member
Hello everyone
I logged on tonight and if all of you contact the national papers and the Today Show the way you have surrounded Chelsea and her family I cannot imagine them saying no. All I can say is "what an amazing group of people Chelsea brought together" Thank you all and God Bless. Pennie


Active member
I am continually amazed at the powers of NN Members. Rock On!!!! live on in all of us!


New member
This presentation just keeps getting better. Awesome job you guys! I do hope we get to see some footage or pictures.


New member
Good for you!

Let me know if I can help...should I put a message out to SCNC members to possibly attend with a well behaved Newf???