Search results

  1. mrsnamsherf

    Saw the most gorgeous newf...

    You know the feeling when you leave your house in yesterday's clothes with no shower, and your hair uncombed and then run into THAT friend who looks like she is on her way to have her picture taken? 😝 Yeah, that was Sam and I at the dog park last week. We saw the most gorgeously groomed brown...
  2. mrsnamsherf

    Blind swimming newf

    Has anyone had, or does anyone know of a blind newfie that swims? Sam seems to be losing his eyesight, and I would like him to be able to keep swimming-and retrieving. He loves that more than anything else on earth. I was thinking of a toy that makes noise until he finds it. So far he mostly...
  3. mrsnamsherf

    Scary Swimming Incident

    I had to rescue my Sam from a lake two weeks ago. He was trapped by an underwater branch when retrieving a toy, and could not get to shallow water. I had to locate the branch by feeling around with my hands-not a super informative method. 😒 I pushed him along the branch toward deeper water and...
  4. mrsnamsherf

    NN opens door

    Has anyone seen this? It's amazing! I don't understand how this dog learned to do this, but it's cool. Marie
  5. mrsnamsherf

    Question regarding DE

    For those of you who use DE (diatomaceous earth) for flea control, how do you apply it? To the dog, I mean. Also, will it mat his fur? I ask because it dries out my hair, making it AWFUL to brush out...and that's just when I dust the house...I am not actually applying it to my hair...
  6. mrsnamsherf

    Photo Challenge #226: Speed

    I want to see speed! Show me your fast, your quick, your speedy. Be it fast animals, cars, cheetahs, rides, birds, what have you. It should be fast and in motion. For example: Have fun! :D Marie
  7. mrsnamsherf

    Head thumping

    I have been considering taking Sam to visit a nursing home I visit with my church. He is allowed in with only proof of rabies. He is good with other dogs and people, but has one habit that prevents me from taking him. He thumps me with his head. It is more like banging, really. When I am...
  8. mrsnamsherf

    Does this happen to anyone else?

    I have to wash my dog items...blankets, towels, etc. separately from the rest of my clothes because little knots of Newfie hair stick in my towels, sheets, and so on. Otherwise I am pulling these little hair knots out of sheets when my guests come. I thought maybe it was the cheap sheets I...
  9. mrsnamsherf

    Junk in the trunk

    I cleaned my car out the other day...well, decluttered it, actually. I was accumulating dog stuff...and I only have one dog. :whistling: Now I intend to keep in my car: 1 Slip Lead (for quick dog park entry) 1 lifejacket (for Sam) 1 water bowl 1 gallon of water/other water source. Dog shampoo...
  10. mrsnamsherf

    How do they get "puffy" feet?

    I want to do newfs get those puffy feet? Sam's most decidedly are not puffy. I have tried letting the hair grow more on his feet, but it just sprouts long between his toes like grass in sidewalk cracks. I tried brushing all the fur straight up and cutting the ball shape, which...
  11. mrsnamsherf

    Random Question

    I have an unusual question. I will be painting a picture of my Newf, Sam, that I hope to eventually sell prints of. This is the photo I will be working from: I would like to add a seagull, or 2, or 3 into the picture as if he were chasing them and they are all flying off. (He was really...
  12. mrsnamsherf

    Photo Challenge #191...Wildlife

    I want to see photos of wildlife. Wildlife being defined as not a domestic animal (dogs, cats, livestock), but not necessarily an animal in the wild (i.e., zoo animals are acceptable). Birds (not pet birds) are good too. For example: Have fun! Marie
  13. mrsnamsherf

    Sam won't return toy...

    I love taking my Sam swimming...he doesn't swim for swimming's sake, but he likes retrieving in the water. Only he doesn't actually return the toy. It's so frustrating to coax and plead or try to snag him when he goes by. :banghead: He will only return the item some of the time (except for...
  14. mrsnamsherf

    Black dogs in Water

    Please, please tell me there is a magic photography tool for shooting black dogs in water. I either get this: Water is ok, but dog seems really dark...and this is a better shot...most times I can hardly see his eyes... Or this: Dog looks great, but water is totally blown out... or, if...
  15. mrsnamsherf

    Where is Sam?

    I came home tonight and Sam was not waiting in his bed by the window. I thought I could hear barking, but when I went inside there was no sound. He was not where he should be...the front room where I left him was totally empty...all gates up, all doors closed. :uhoh2: After a minute of...
  16. mrsnamsherf

    paw wax

    In light of the thread about wood floor scratches, I am thinking of trying paw wax to give Sam traction. Has anyone ever tried this? Does it wash off? I'd love to hear any results you may have had with this product. Marie
  17. mrsnamsherf

    Sam's first...okay, second trim.

    I trimmed my Sam yesterday. Since I got him five months ago, I have only had the courage to hack at him here and there. It wasn't until I got Jeannie's grooming video (Thanks, Jeannie!) that I did an allover trim. I tried it a month or so ago, and was going to post photos, but I did not...
  18. mrsnamsherf

    Best Dog Books Ever

    The thread on the Kindle made me think of dog books. I have several favorite dog books (fiction) that I keep in my home library. However, I would love to have more. So, what are your favorite dog books ever? Newfy or otherwise? I confess-none of my favorites at this moment are newfy books...
  19. mrsnamsherf

    Sad Newfy

    Sam has discovered one of his retrieve training toys, and brought it to me. Usually I keep these put away, and give him other toys of his own, but I brought these inside tonight and left them by the front door to use tomorrow...:oops: Ok, now he is back with his bumper, too. :lol: It is...
  20. mrsnamsherf

    Elvis has a new name: meet Sam

    My dog Elvis has been with me about almost four months. From the beginning, I have intended (for the most part) to change his name. I did not change it right away because I knew he would be very stressed to leave the only home he has ever known (besides those first weeks of puppyhood), and...