Blind swimming newf


Has anyone had, or does anyone know of a blind newfie that swims? Sam seems to be losing his eyesight, and I would like him to be able to keep swimming-and retrieving. He loves that more than anything else on earth. I was thinking of a toy that makes noise until he finds it. So far he mostly only seems to have trouble seeing in the dark, and I am hoping to teach him to use a noisy toy while he can still see. Any thoughts?



Active member
If you can fine a toy like that, it might work. I know a blind dog that did draft work and earned a team draft title. Why not a swimming Newf? It's worth a try. Make sure his recall is good so he doesn't keep swimming farther away once he finds the toy.


Active member
If his recall is bad then use a long line to help guide him like a horse lead .

A toy that makes a noise may help.if he sees shades then a bright toy may work OK.


New member
If you use a long line, make sure it floats. Some of the sporting goods stores have them (I checked Cabella's and they didn't). I think they are called a check line and you can get them in varying lengths.


Thank you all for the great suggestions and encouragement. �� He has an okay recall...not always prompt if he is sniffing or being petted by a stranger, but too much of a Velcro boy to wander off. He kind of freaks if he doesn't know where I am. �� He is also set in his ways-he swims straight out and straight back with the toy. If he can't find it, he returns to where he can stand and waits for me to do something about it. ��

No luck finding the right toy so far, but I think I can make something if I have to. We will definitely keep you all posted. ��



Active member
Check out Amazon for "blind dog toys". While most of them are not waterproof or floating, you might be able to come up with a way to enclose them in another floating object.
Also think about scenting the toy. Check out the Tracerz Scent Guides for Blind Pets. I don't know if something like this will work because you'll probably have the same dilemma as far as floating and water resistant, but maybe you can think of something clever.
And don't forget that the dogs hearing and scenting is more sensitive that a human's, so he may be able to hear or smell things that you can't. All you can do is try.

Peter Maniate

New member
The late Tom McLean had a Newf named Tuck who successfully passed the Canadian Water Rescue Dog test. Tuck had been trained as a draft dog and Tom used the GEE and HAW commands to guide him in the water.


Wow, Newf Netters are the best! Thank you for more great information. I will definitely check Amazon.

I did consider the toy having a scent as well, but I'm not sure how to prevent it washing off. I do think a smell would be a valuable extra clue for Sam.

How cool is it that a blind newf could pass the water test?! I guess it's not too crazy to hope Sam will be able to keep retrieving in the water even if he loses all his sight.
