Random Question


I have an unusual question. I will be painting a picture of my Newf, Sam, that I hope to eventually sell prints of. This is the photo I will be working from:

I would like to add a seagull, or 2, or 3 into the picture as if he were chasing them and they are all flying off. (He was really chasing a toy.) My question is: As newfoundland owners, would it bother you to have a picture of a newf chasing birds? I know they are not allowed to chase birds during water trials...

I would love to hear your opinions! :D
Thank you for your help!


New member
I have a thing for newf faces when running in water....its a great pic but would be awesome if the newf was running the other direction.Their eyes are so happy when they play in the water
I would put a water bumper toy in the air. If you want you can put some birds in it just not being chased. Just a idea. I do think its a great picture!


Super Moderator
I agree with Erika. In a photo is it best to have the action coming toward you, not away. Some shots are better from the back but IMO no action shots.


Thank you all for your responses! :D

I know what you mean about not seeing his face. I do have one more from the side, where you can at least see half his face. :D What draws me to this particular one is his evident enthusiasm for the retrieve.

Heather, that was a good suggestion about having seagulls, but not chasing them...I didn't think of that!

Thanks again! :kgo_027:


New member
I must be evil and wicked. If on lead and under my control via commands, there's no prey stalking allowed and a firm *leave it* works fine to reinforce that despite the looks back and forth from prey to me and back again.
When at the lake and during free time, if they give chase I don't care. The bird wins every time anyway. It's the *recall* that's important to me. In my opinion a dog needs to be allowed to be a dog every now and then. That's just me though..I wouldn't have thought twice about seeing the gulls in your picture


New member
I like the photo as an action shot, you can see the apparent enthusiam, but at the same time I would like to see the face. That would convey the excitement, the love of the water, etc. Gulls to round out the sky might be ok, as long as it doesn't take away from the focue of the shot, and the dog is not chasing them. JMHO


Debra...it is not wicked to let your dogs chase birds on their own time...after all they are not killing them...the birds don't even seem to care...I've seen them wait until the dog gets really close then fly off, almost lazy! :D Thank you for your thoughts on having the gulls chased in the picture. :kgo_027:

Ted...I know you are a collector of newf stuff! It is good to know what you think about chasing birds. Thank you. :sunflower:

I was kind of surprised to hear so many comments about not seeing the face, although I understand. I will definitely keep that in mind. I just assumed that not seeing the face-or at least not a closeup-would make the picture more appealing...as in "That could be my newf..." So it was unexpected but important information.

Thank you!


New member
Oh shoot Marie, I totally forgot part two.
I see your point with the newf runnung into the water being the *action* and that identifying the newf itself would be secondary because it is YOUR newf and you're doing the painting.
Either way you choose to paint it, you have a gorgeous picture to use.
I think I'd like to see it from the other way too BUT...its your choice. Have fun and remember to share it when you're done

Brody the Newf

New member
If I was looking at the picture at a store, I'd be purely guessing that the dog was a Newf. It is impossible to tell his size and plenty of black dogs like the water.

For me, I'd need to see a face.

Just my 2 cents:)


New member
Um..er...some of them..DO catch the birds...(shhhh!)
Having said that, birds in the pic would not offend me in the least.