Search results

  1. NKlein

    How do you know when it's time for another?

    It's been three years since my husband and I lost our boys. We talk about getting another newf. We keep saying "maybe in a year or two", but the time slips by and we don't make any plans to get another. We recently had to buy a new vehicle--we bought one large enough to accommodate our...
  2. NKlein

    Newf Rescue in Kansas City area?

    Hi all--there is a newf on Craigslist in Kansas City. This is the link: I tried using the link on the "how to contact rescue" sticky thread, but it isn't working. I just want to know who I can alert in the rescue community. I'm also going to...
  3. NKlein

    Boatswain 12/16/2008 - 12/30/2015

    I've been meaning to post for over a month, but haven't had to heart to do it. Bo passed peacefully in his sleep in December. I know I'm not a regular poster here, but in February of 2015 he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. We opted for aggressive curative radiation + chemotherapy, which was...
  4. NKlein


    We named Byron after lord Byron because we thought his epitaph to his newfie was so beautiful. When we got Byron, I didn't realize just how fitting the epitaph would be for him one day. Our Byron certaily possessed Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferocity...
  5. NKlein

    Euthanasia Discussion and Spouses

    Hi all--I haven't posted on this forum in years. I joined 10 years ago when Byron (pictured in my avatar at age 2) was a puppy. This forum has been very helpful and supportive to me over the years, but after getting a second newf (who is also wonderful!) and having 2 kids, I haven't had time to...
  6. NKlein

    Picture of Byron Swimming

    Hello, all, I only post on sporadically, but this site was instrumental in helping me through the puppy years when we brought Byron home 7 years ago! Last fall Byron was diagnosed with GME, an auto-immune disorder that attacked his spinal cord. He suddenly became paralyzed in his rear...
  7. NKlein

    When you can't agree on when to let go...

    Hello, all, Sorry in advance for the depressing post, but I'm hoping for a little bit of guidance. I've been posting throughout Byron's diagnosis and treatment of his GME. He started exhibiting symptoms of GME very suddenly in October and since it is so difficult to diagnose, we didn't get a...
  8. NKlein

    Byron was diagnosed with GME

    Several months ago I posted about Byron experiencing paralysis in his rear legs. We rushed him to a canine neurologist and had an MRI and spinal tap done, which revealed nothing except inflammation in his spinal cord fluid. After having every titer under the sun done, we decided to treat the...
  9. NKlein

    Sudden paralysis in rear legs

    Hello, all, This has been a very, very bad year for Byron. In February, Byron started to go blind in one eye--despite every attempt to save his vision including injections in his eye, a retinal re-attachment and finally laser surgery, his vision was never recovered. Then on Friday Byron's...
  10. NKlein

    Best vehicles for multiple newfs + kids?

    D and I have decided it's probably time to start adding human kids to our family. We currently have 2 newfs and I've promised myself I won't add a 3rd newf to our family anytime soon. The plan since we were married 3 years ago was to get a second newf, then try for kids when the pup turned 2...
  11. NKlein

    NN--Parvo in adult dogs?

    My sisters Great Pyr mix has parvo. He's up to date on all vaccinations and just turned one last week. Her vet told her that there is a strain of vaccination-resistant parvo going around. Has anybody ever known an adult dog who contracted parvo? The vet is giving the dog a 50/50 chance of...
  12. NKlein

    Scratching Wood Floors

    DH and I recently bought an antique home with the original pine floors (circa 1775). We love the floors. We also love our dogs. But the dogs are doing a number on the 200+ year old floors. We use a dremel, so there are no rough edges on the nails. The boys also go to the park for 2+ hours a...
  13. NKlein

    Long shot: any experience with cysts in eyes?

    Dan and I noticed some cloudiness in Byron's eyes a couple of weeks ago. We scheduled an appt. immediately with our regular vet. Our regular vet noticed that Byron had some cysts on his eyes as well as uveitis (anterior swelling) and issued a blood test--Byron tested positive for anaplasmosis...
  14. NKlein

    Boston Area Newf Owners--Newf Hauling Xmas Trees Today!

    Hey all Boston-area newf owners! Dan and I are going to Smolak Farms in N. Andover today to watch the newfies haul trees to visitors' vehicles!! It's all in support of Newf Rescue and I think it should be a ton of fun! If anybody hasn't gotten their tree yet, consider coming out today...
  15. NKlein

    Cranberry Cluster?

    I'd planned to enter Bo into the Cranberry Cluster show, but we'd been out of the country for a week and just got back on Thurs., so I didn't feel we had any prep time. Did anybody go?
  16. NKlein

    Boatswain got his CGC today

    The whole family (Me, hubby, Byron and Boatswain) went to a match today so I could dip my toes into the show ring a little. Bo was a little antsy and I was freezing from the rain, but we took 4th in both the puppy sweeps and the group competition (my handling instructor took 1st, which was...
  17. NKlein

    Male newfie owners: how old before they lifted the leg?

    Boatswain marked his territory today with the leg lift and everything...he's only 4.5 months old! Is this normal? I tend to think it's simply a learned behavior, but I don't know. Byron was socialized with many other male dogs and still did not lift his leg until he was about 9 months. Anybody...
  18. NKlein

    Boatswain pics--4 months

    Boatswain turned 4 months last Thursday! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by! I remembered to bring my camera when we went for a little romp through the woods this weekend--then we stopped by the dog park for a swim on the way home.
  19. NKlein

    Advice for a Brand New Handler?

    Hey, all, I took my first handling class with Boatswain last night and am feeling a little overwhelmed. I don't feel like I have an experienced handler to show me the ropes (our breeder is four hours away, which isn't too far, but not close enough to really lean on). I really want to give this...
  20. NKlein

    9-Year-Old Bronze Female in MA (Craigslist)

    I saw this listing today: I've reached out to NCNE Rescue, but am wondering if I should reach out to the lister to urge her to turn the dog over to rescue as well? I did this once before and the owner was upset that I'd contacted rescue. I...