Byron was diagnosed with GME


Several months ago I posted about Byron experiencing paralysis in his rear legs. We rushed him to a canine neurologist and had an MRI and spinal tap done, which revealed nothing except inflammation in his spinal cord fluid. After having every titer under the sun done, we decided to treat the inflammation with a combination of steroids and chemotherapy injections in hopes that he would regain mobility and the inflammation would not recur.

After two months of treatment (three rounds of chemo) with only slight improvement, our neurologist finally diagnosed Byron with GME. GME is very difficult to diagnose--a brain sample is needed for definitive diagnosis--however it was sort of a "last resort" diagnosis. Just to cover our basis, we sought the opinion of a second neurologist and he agreed that it was GME.

GME is nearly always fatal, so we are doing everything in our power to keep Byron happy and healthy in the time we have left with him. He is on a combination of 5 drugs right now and is somewhat mobile--he is still able to potty outside and on his "good" days, he even brings me a toy when I come through the door, which literally makes me cry.

I have decided that instead of being sad during his last weeks/months with us, I am going to appreciate every minute I have with him. I do find myself looking back at Byron's life and feeling guilty over all the times a scolded him for something that seems meaningless now. Or for not giving him more attention when he was excited to see me. But I'm grateful that I can make up for lost time now and let him know truly how much he means to me. I can't even express how much he means to me--it's simply something that can't be described.

Anyway, I just wanted to give an update since so many of you were very helpful when I had no idea what was happening and was looking for advice. Even though this is a terrible diagnosis, I do feel some closure in knowing what we're up against.

Sheila B.

New member
Nicole, I am so terribly sorry to read this. Please know that our hearts are with you and making Byron's life the best it can be at this time is absolutely the right choice. You have a wonderful attitude and Byron will feel your love every single minute. :hug: Give him a hug from us too!


New member
I am *SO* sorry for this news :( He doesn't know he's sick though so have fun with him and keep up your good attitude. Many hugs from me and my crew.


New member
You are the BEST dog Mom for your boy. I'm so sorry that this illness is such a devastating condition. Hopes that his days are many and filled with all the love you have given him right along. (((HUGS))) to you and Byron.


Thanks, all, it's really great to have support from others who really "get" it. Over the past year, with all of Byrons issues including his retinal re-attachment and eventual blindness in his right eye, and now this, I feel like we've often had to justify why we're willing to drive thousands of miles and spend so much money on treatment. It's really nice to be in the company of those who don't question our sanity, but rather completely understand. So thank you!


New member
Looked up GME, so very sorry for you, your family & Byron. He can feel your love and cuddles and just pour your appreciation onto and over him. Talk to him and tell him how you feel and why you love him so much. Tell him what is wrong with his body, and that it won't last long and he will be released and free of this problem, and your love will follow him and you'll never forget him.

Here's to the best quality time you have left, and know that despite distance time and money and the known outcome, everything you can do to make Byron comfortable and loved is known to you, him and God and lasts forever in the akashic record (The Book of Life) and your souls as a testament to your love.


New member
I have never heard of this before, so thank you for sharing. That said, I'm very sorry for the bad news.


New member
You have our hugs, good thoughts, and support. I'm glad he's got such a good family to enjoy his life with. Keep us posted on his progress.

Jackie, Tim, & River