NN--Parvo in adult dogs?


My sisters Great Pyr mix has parvo. He's up to date on all vaccinations and just turned one last week. Her vet told her that there is a strain of vaccination-resistant parvo going around. Has anybody ever known an adult dog who contracted parvo? The vet is giving the dog a 50/50 chance of surviving and I'm trying to get statistics on survival rates in adult dogs with parvo.


New member
They are SURE it is parvo? Not just something that LOOKS like parvo?

All the research I have found says that it is almost never fatal in adults and usually responds well to antivirals...

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New member
My rescue group had an adult foster basenji with parvo (definitely confirmed at Texas A&M) - she survived but it was rough going - the vets gave her less than a 50/50 chance. This was said to be a vacc resist strain as well but was a few years ago.


New member
Yes, I have heard of an adult dog getting parvo that had been vacinated. The dog survived but it was a really rough road.


Thanks all, the vet confirmed that it is definitely parvo. He said he probably would have tested for it earlier (despite it being so rare), but the dog's white blood cell count wasn't very high. In any case, he gave my sister's dog a 50/50 shot on Friday, however the dog showed siginficant improvement over the weekend and came home yesterday. I'm glad for my own sake that I know vaccinated adults can get parvo.


New member
Glad to hear your sister's dog is doing better. Prayers for continued improvement.