will cops taze your dog ?


New member
IN following the 'justice for Rosie' thread on Face Book, I am shocked at how many dogs get tased, for no good reason, and the video seems to show the cops enjoying it....I couldn't sleep last night after watching the video of a white boxer, who was merely barking when witnesses said he was surrounded by police... They said he was a Pitt, and tazed him for a good ten seconds as he threshed around chewing his pole collar...They continued till he passed out....then drug him across a road and tased him again before loading him in the animal controll truck.....with the catch pole on him !! He had escaped from the owners yard early on a Saturday morning while the owner was sleeping...worse yet...the animal controll person can be heard calling him to him so they could tase him....
This made me think...what on earth might happen if one of my dogs happened to escape? (God Forbid!) So here is what I am doing... I am sending a letter to the local sheriff (since we are rural) With information that my dogs are HUGE, yes, but not agressive in the least. And don't mistake them for a bear. (which has happened in my front yard) I have verbally told 911 in the past, but will send the notice to them also. I will enclude numbers to call in my absence...I hope this never is an issue I have to confront....but given the recent happenings, I think law inforcement sometimes sees themselves as tough guys,,,,and jump at an opportunity to exercise their power....on helpless animals no less. People have died from tasing...and this dog was like tasing a 40 lb child...!! I am livid.....but of course the cops are being defended by thier own.


New member
I don't get how this is justified. Also, I'm surprised that this happens as commonly as you say. I think these cops are just scared of dogs and misuse their power out of fear. They should really have a training seminar on dealing with dogs before they let these maniacs into the field though. Really, quite sad.


New member
So upset I can't even type. :cry: My dogs are just like my children to me. I would be going straight to jail if I saw this! I found the video you were talking about. Could not watch all. Between them shooting and tazering the dogs it's DISGUSTING!


New member
The cops shot another dog in Rosie's town... What happened to the training the City promised?
So they think they so cool to tase and shot at a dog because it walks toward them or barks at them. I mean really what is this police force coming too!!
Did they learn anything from Rosie!!


New member
There was another link about a lady that called police about an obscene phone call...She was waiting on her pourch with her two dogs, a GSD and a golden...the
policeman suddenly appeared out of the shadows from the neighbors yard....of course the dogs started to bark and go toward him.. The owner said 'nien' to the GSD that understands german...It stopped and looked back toward her, and just then the officer shot it, severing it's spinal cord, killing it.. the officer said "I had to do it...I had to do it.." to the screeming owner....


Active member
I really don't know what's happened to our world. I find that I fear police and animal control and I really thought that they are supposed to help.

I am happy that we've shown our faces all over this neighborhood with our dogs..... winter, snow storms, spring, rain storms, summer, they don't see us accept at night (different crowds outside) and fall. It's been 4 years and a lot of people know our dogs, they don't know our names but they all know Zeke and Myra! I often think I could send the pups alone on the walks and they know exactly where to go and who to stop and get hugs from and who to avoid! (I'd never do it)
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Active member
Just don't mistake all cops for bad. My ex- and current husband are both cops and they are both sickened by this stuff too. PEOPLE are bad in all lines of work. It has more to do with how you're raised than what your job is. Of course, a lot of cops join the force because they are compensating for a lack of respect in the real world (NOT ALL, of course, don't anyone flame me) but SOME do, and some end up being the kind of people who will taser a dog. Been married to cops for 30 years, and know many of them - good and bad - so I do know what I'm talking about.

I've also seen squad cars huddled around a mother duck and babies, working to save them from a sewer drain, or trying to get a kitten or puppy out of a hole.

OK off my soapbox.


New member
Terri...I agree with you whole heartedly !! I just wish this were part of training....I know cops have their work cut out..My understanding is that as a part of training they have to be tassed themselves to understand it......and yet would tase a dog for 10 seconds? How much can a human stand..?? ask your husband..


Active member
Honestly, he probably couldn't answer. It's like asking some people how others do drugs or abuse children. Those who don't or would never do it can't understand how others do. Then again, on the other side of the world we have genocide and child labor, so shooting a dog probably pales in comparison.

It's a complex world.


Active member
No need to get on the soap box, I understand. Vince was an officer, so I don't mean all of them and we associate with a few and they also agree the younger cops have a much different attitude. What happened to the older days back at Mayberry? (lol) I'm joking but I'm not.


New member
I know Aristotle has a quote on the younger generation that reads like today but I still have to feel that things are truly getting different and a good bit of it is not better.


New member
Just don't mistake all cops for bad. My ex- and current husband are both cops and they are both sickened by this stuff too. PEOPLE are bad in all lines of work. It has more to do with how you're raised than what your job is. Of course, a lot of cops join the force because they are compensating for a lack of respect in the real world (NOT ALL, of course, don't anyone flame me) but SOME do, and some end up being the kind of people who will taser a dog. Been married to cops for 30 years, and know many of them - good and bad - so I do know what I'm talking about.

I've also seen squad cars huddled around a mother duck and babies, working to save them from a sewer drain, or trying to get a kitten or puppy out of a hole.

OK off my soapbox.
Thank you.

Ocean's Edge

New member
Terri...I agree with you whole heartedly !! I just wish this were part of training....I know cops have their work cut out..My understanding is that as a part of training they have to be tassed themselves to understand it......and yet would tase a dog for 10 seconds? How much can a human stand..?? ask your husband..
I took a First Aid class last year taught by a local EMT who apparently was/is a US Marine Reservist, and married to a local cop. I found the class quite informative - but the teacher was a little scary. His attitude towards tasering anyone or anything was very caviler - there was a lot of talk about how 'safe' it's been proven to be and 'no lasting harm done', and that yes, cops DO practice on each other. That's how he knew how harmless it is - heck his wife even uses hers as a 'marital correction device', and that a lot of them use them on each other as a practical joke.

Human or animal - I was quite sickened by this man's attitude.

I'm not saying ALL cops think this way, only that I do know that they are out there. It scares me that they are all taught that it's a SAFE, HARMLESS, way to bring down a threat, and that can lead to some pretty childish attitudes towards it.


New member
I have never know a human to be tazed for 10 seconds...on full out taze..There is a list on the site of the numbers of persons who have been killed every year from tasing. (How do you spell it correctly anyway?)


New member
Ugh, I remeber hearing about that pregnant woman that was tasered Nessa. It's absolutely disgusting. I don't care how mouthy she was being. I wonder how the courts would have found the same case had the taser caused a miscarriage...

What a "bleeping" joke.


I think that law enforcement needs to really change their perspective on Tazers. A Tazer is a less lethal weapon, not a non-lethal weapon. They are being used in cases where previously fully non-lethal means would have been used. When you Taze someone you are rolling the dice, granted the odds are towards non-lethal but still a material percentage lethal. I feel that police should only consider using a Tazer when they would consider using a gun.

As for their use in dogs and how police are treating dogs. I ran fire for 10 years volunteer, I get how tough a job police have. However what disturbs me is the silence from the the law enforcement community when the fellow officers go so far over the edge.